Have you heard of such a musical instrument as a harp? Surely you recall these ringing sounds that are associated with the north, taiga. Perhaps they will cause you to associate with Alaska, gold miners and Indians. Or with traditional Hutsuls. Or maybe to the very point .... With the Chukchi.
Almost any of your associations will be correct, because almost every nation has its own harbor. These sounds immediately inspire archaic motifs that every nation has. Probably, immediately in the imagination a fire pops up, the throat singing of fellow tribesmen. And a shaman who asks the spirits to send rain, or bless on a hunt.
The cult tool. You can make it yourself using this instruction. Given that the design is ugly simple. You will not need special knowledge or skills. All you need is your desire. And a couple of simple tools. And also the desire to learn, because today you will meet, face to face, with such an ancient craft as forging.
So let's get started.
First, the author of this creation had a question. What to make a tongue of a vargan from? Because it must be elastic at the same time, resistant to irrevocable deformations and breakage. It was decided to use a saw blade on wood. The thickness of which is 0.86 mm.

With the help of a sharpener a strip of metal was separated. At the same time, it was constantly cooled, so as not to overheat and lose its qualities.

After the strip was aligned and sharpened on both sides on the same electric grinder.

The length of the workpiece for the frame can be determined by mocking it up with ordinary aluminum wire. Which, in the end, can be straightened and measured with a ruler.
A bar with a thickness of 6 mm was used for the frame. Its brand is 12X18H10T (Stainless Steel).
A blank with a small margin was sawn off. On the bends of the frame, at the places where the decks transition into the ring, small necks are pierced.

Next, you need to clamp the workpiece into a drill and give the sections of the deck a small cone, using emery.

The circle is bent as follows:
1) Clamp the workpiece in a vise, with some kind of metal object that has a suitable radius.
2) With a mallet, or a hammer through a wooden lining with bend.Accuracy is important here, and do not rush, because you can spoil the workpiece.

More acute angles will have to be done with forging. In order to heat the metal red. The author used a gas stove for these purposes.

Later, the cones were squared, a block was used for this.

Giving the circle a final bend, again heating on gas. Again forging.

The taper of the decks should match the taper of the tongue.

Giving a plane to two sides of a circle.

Drunk, shaping a groove under the tongue.

Polishing all the details.

Driving in a tongue. It is important that there is a slight gap between the tongue and decks, but they must be in contact.