It's no secret that all the boys are crazy about cars. Why not show your imagination and give the child a crib in the form of a racing car? Few children will not be delighted with such a practical and original gift.
Materials and tools:
1. It is recommended to use sheets of MDF or particleboard of any size or color. If it is still difficult to determine the size, then you need to build on the parameters of 2700x1830 mm. You should be prepared for the fact that several sheets may be needed. If the problem of environmental cleanliness is very worrying, then you can stop the choice on plywood or natural wood.
2. A beam with parameters of 50x70 mm in the amount of four pieces. Usually on sale you can find bars of three meters length.
3. Special screeds for of furnitureresembling self-tapping screws. This is a Euroscrew, a Euroscrew - the so-called confirmations. Suitable sizes are 7x70 mm and 6.3x50 mm.
4. A hex key suitable for confirmations or a hexagonal screwdriver head.
5. A drill for confirmations. Of course, you can try to use ordinary drills in your work, but the time to create a bed in this case will be significantly delayed. It is most convenient to use a special drill, the diameter of which is recommended to consult a specialist.
6. Castors for furniture.
7. Nails 120 mm.
8. Self-tapping screws.
9. Mattress, if necessary, you can choose orthopedic.
10. Fabric for sheathing a mattress.
Operating procedure:
First of all, you need to decide which bed you want to see, to simulate it. There are probably a lot of options, here you can be guided by existing beds, or come up with something of your own by finding a photo of the car on the Internet. After everything becomes clear with the image, you can start making sketches for the sake of illustrating the consumption of materials. You will have to work on developing the view not only from the side, front and back, but in some cases even from above with affixing all sizes. Consideration should also be given to the presence of the sides so that the child does not fall in a dream. However, they should not be too high, as getting into the crib will not be very convenient.
Now you can begin to manufacture the frame. You need to be prepared for the fact that the child will not only sleep in the crib, but also play actively in it, so it is important to have a beam. You can cut it into parts even at the place of purchase.The parts are usually fastened together with screws, screws and nails, under which it is very important to drill special holes to prevent the timber from breaking into pieces. As a mattress pad, a plywood sheet or a piece of furniture sheet is perfect.

The next stage is cutting furniture sheets. Here you need to build on your own capabilities. For example, if the level of knowledge of graphic editors is good, you can make a vector drawing of the required details in them. This file is either printed on a printer using a special mode for printing posters followed by gluing parts, or printed in a special center on a large-format plotter or in an advertising agency that has extensive experience working with billboards. You can also contact furniture companies, firms for the manufacture of plastic windows, in the carpentry shop. If you have drawing skills, you can create drawings manually. Another option is to print each part of the drawing separately, having previously enlarged it. However, in this case there is a significant minus - as a result, a rather impressive pack of paper is obtained. After it turned out to deal with the patterns, each of them is applied to the furniture sheet, circled with a marker and the resulting sketch is cut with a jigsaw. In the case of planning complex painting, you can make separate patterns for painting.

Now each received part is carefully processed with sandpaper to prevent splintering in children's hands. Sharp corners and edges should not be. At the joints of the parts between themselves and the frame, holes for confirmations are drilled. Using a special drill, such holes are obtained in one go.
Getting to the assembly, it is recommended to make a trial version to identify defects. If none are found, you can disassemble the machine and start painting parts. It is painted in several layers with a transparent varnish.
Now the final assembly is made - the rollers are screwed on and the parts are attached.

A unique bed-car is ready! It will cost much cheaper than purchased beds, and there will be many times more pleasure from it.