With the onset of summer, hot sunny days, everyone summer resident understands the need for a shower in the house or on the plot. It is in the soul that you can wash off the dirt after hard work in the garden, cheer up and get rid of fatigue. For those who are not yet a happy owner of a shower, we offer the option of an inexpensive and uncomplicated construction of this indispensable companion of any home in your country house - a tarp shower. Such a shower is easy to install, does not require large expenses for its construction and is very easy to use.
First, you should start the project of the shower, clearly defining its dimensions, the type of building materials used and the place on the site for its installation. Please note that the shower cabin should be large enough to fit everything you need inside and at the same time be there yourself. The most optimal shower height is about 2.5 meters, which should also be taken into account when designing a cabin.
As for the location of the shower, the best would be a sunny open place on the site, located away from tall trees and buildings casting a shadow. This arrangement of the shower will allow the water to quickly heat up in the sun, which is especially important if you will build a shower without heating the water. A little trick: paint the water tank in dark, and preferably black, this will allow the water to heat up in the sun even faster. You should also decide on the type of water supply to the tank - automatic or manual. It should be understood that climbing stairs with buckets in hand in order to fill the tank with water is not the easiest task and it is unlikely that women, elderly people or children can do it.
So, the place for placing the shower is chosen and now you should take care of its preparation. First you need to prepare the base for installing a shower cabin - remove the top layer of the earth, level the place prepared for installation and fill it with sand. After that it is necessary to prepare all the materials, namely: a canvas sheet of 3 by 5 meters in size, a metal profile with a total length of about 20 meters, a water tank with a volume of about 100 liters, a watering can and a drive with a crane. Tip: the materials listed above are quite popular and are often sold in building or hardware stores already in the kit, the purchase of which will save you time and free you from shopping in search of individual parts.
To install a shower, you must assemble the frame from a metal profile prepared in advance, and cover it with a tarp, fixing it firmly.

The base is made of wood or plastic on the shower floor; as a base, you can also use a conventional wooden pallet, processed in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of scratches and splintering. A water tank is installed on top of the resulting structure, into the lower part of which a watering can with a tap crashes - the shower is ready!

Separately, the issue of water flows should be discussed. You should not place the drain hole directly under the shower, since in summer, during frequent use of the shower and the consumption of a large amount of water, the drain hole may fill up, the water will not have time to leave, resulting in an unpleasant odor. This problem can be avoided by placing a drain pit at a distance of 2-3 meters from the shower and laying a gutter from the shower to the pit. Tip: the gutter should be laid with a slight slope towards the drainage pit, which will simplify the discharge of water into the pit.
And finally, one more advice - it is recommended to plant plants that are loving and well growing in moist soil near the shower. These plants will not only decorate your yard but will also serve as an excellent drainage for water flowing from the shower.