If your clothes are scattered throughout the house, then it's time to think about creating such a rack for storage. Its versatility consists in both ease of assembly and the ability to install it in a dressing room, pantry or the garage. In general, wherever you want! In addition, such a rack can be reduced or increased at your discretion. You can also attach a small countertop to it, then the rack will be suitable for work.
We will need:
- boards;
- pipes;
- clamps, hacksaw, pencil, level;
- a grinding machine (for lack of such, sandpaper is also suitable);
- meter, saw.
Step 1

The author began with a draft rack. First, measure the room in which you intend to place it. Consider your personal needs and wishes to get the required number of shelves and hangers. The author has also designed a small workbench table, if you do not need it, then you do not include it in your project. In addition, consider the length of the materials available so that you do not have to redo the entire project from scratch.
Step 2

Cut existing pipes into pieces of the required length. Here you need a hacksaw for metal.
Step 3

Transfer measurements of countertops and shelves to the boards. Try to arrange them so that there is less waste.
Step 4

Using a jigsaw or saw, cut out the intended workpieces from the boards. Cut holes and grooves in the places where you will pass the mounts and pipes.
Step 5

Next, process the carved wooden parts with an emery cloth or grinder. The surface of the tree should be smooth. If there is a desire, then cover the tree with special liquids or varnish for its preservation.
Step 6

Assemble the rack immediately on the spot as a whole, connecting the pipes together with fasteners and clamps. Lay wooden shelves on top of the pipes. If necessary, then additionally secure the shelves.

That's all, the clothes storage rack in front of you. We hope that it will serve you faithfully for more than one year and all your things will be neatly laid out in one place!