Have you thought about building a sauna on your own summer cottage for a long time and now, finally, decided on this? Then this article is for you.
What is needed to build your own sauna? In general, any dry ventilated room and a certain set of building materials will be enough for this, which will be discussed below. As for the size of such a room, it should be determined based on the following parameters: for each visitor to the sauna, 2-3 cubic meters are needed. meters of the volume of the room. Choosing a place and determining its area, we can proceed to the next steps.
First you should arrange the floor in our sauna. The best choice for this is a tile, which should be laid out in advance, before installing wooden structures. When choosing a tile, you should take into account the peculiarities of its operation in a sauna, where the temperature can exceed 100 ° C and select its appropriate options.

Next, you need to install wooden structures on the walls of the sauna. To do this, first, the walls are sheathed with glassine, bitumen paper or other vapor barrier and water-repellent material, which is mounted on the walls and ceiling using wooden battens. After insulation of the walls and ceiling, a ventilation and power supply system is laid; insulation is laid, for example, mineral wool or fiberglass; the frame of the wooden walls and the ceiling of the sauna are installed.

After performing the above steps, it is necessary to crate the walls and ceiling with wooden bars and strengthen a special metal foil, which reduces heat loss and creates a semblance of a thermos in a sauna.

Having installed the crate, you can proceed with the installation of the lining. Which lining is best for use in a sauna? The best choice would be a lining made of linden, alder or pine. Prepared lining should sheathe the walls and ceiling, carefully fixing it on the crate.

As for the sauna benches, as a rule, they are made of the same material with which the walls are sheathed from the inside.

The door to the sauna is recommended to be made of glass in order to avoid the effect of a confined space and not cause discomfort to people inside the sauna. Important: the door to the sauna should open outward and be equipped with weak magnetic or roller locks; Installation of “serious” locks is inadmissible in order to avoid accidentally closing the door with people inside.
So, our sauna is almost ready and there are only a few steps left before the completion of its construction. Now we need to install equipment and decorative elements inside. An ideal option for a country sauna is an electric heater, the installation of which is carried out on special screws, which, as a rule, come complete with the heater itself. After installing the heater, decorative elements, such as a clock, thermometer and lamps, are attached to ordinary screws.
The heater is installed and now it should be filled with stones.

What stones are best suited for these purposes? First of all, these are round stones with a smooth surface, without potholes and other defects. Stones should be washed from dust and dirt, and then thoroughly dried. Please note that stones with cracks, even minor, other defects, are more prone to deformation due to high temperatures and crack faster. When choosing the type of stone laid in the heater, you should decide which type of stone is right for you. For example, porphyrite relieves headaches and has a beneficial effect on the skin and respiratory system; talchochlorite normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the immune system; jadeite improves digestion and has a healing effect on the nervous system.
So our sauna is ready. We are sure that it will give you a lot of pleasure and will have a beneficial effect on your health. Enjoy Your Bath!