We all know very well that shashels, termites, bark beetles, and other “lovers” of wooden food are some of the main annihilators of roofs, of furniture, wooden floors, etc.
But there is another side to the coin, because it is these pest parasites that can serve as good designers and bring much more benefit than harm. How exactly? And we will tell you about it now.
If you find the right approach to damaged material and process it a little, you can get a great original luminous table, which, for example, on some sites costs about 780-800 dollars. Therefore, let's get started.
1. To make such a table, try to choose the boards most damaged by bark beetles. But, most importantly, do not forget to treat all the material with chemical or thermal treatment. Otherwise, the bugs will not stop, and will continue to do their gnawing business. Fig. 1

2. Then plan the board from all sides. And then cut the pieces. Which will be equal to the length of the table. Fig. 2

3. If you want to get a wide countertop, then here you have to grow several boards together. This procedure is performed using wood glue and spikes. Glue must be applied necessarily along the entire length of the board. After you do this, pull down the boards with clamps and let them dry. Fig. 3

4. All the moves along which the woodworkers traveled must be processed by removing dust and rot (it is recommended that you simply blow it with compressed air). Fig. 4

5. Next, it is necessary to polish the surface of the countertop itself to such a state that it is smooth and even.
6. The next step is the preparation of the countertop for epoxy resin casting. Be sure to put waxed paper under the underside of the countertop itself, and make a special plexiglas rim on the sides. This procedure is required because bugs can make through moves.
7. Next, you need to prepare the resin for pouring. To do this, it is tedious to measure a certain amount of resin and hardener. The phosphor powder must be added to the epoxy resin (it is it that provides the glow in the dark).As for the quantity of phosphor itself, there are no certain proportions. One must guess, so to speak. After the resin and phosphor have already been mixed, it is necessary to act on the resin with a flash, and then in a dark room look at the very density of the glow. If everything is like and suitable - add a hardener. Fig. 5

8. Now fill all the holes with epoxy. Because of its viscosity, it will not spread on the table, therefore it is recommended to straighten it with a ruler immediately after pouring.
9. Already after the resin has hardened, in any case, bumps will remain on the surface. To do this, simply sand all defects thoroughly. Initially, use rough sandpaper, and then go on to fine grain (somewhere from 80 to 400).
10. The edge of the table is best handled by the router. Fig. 6

11. Well, the most crucial moment is the finish of your table. Open the countertop with varnish, and when it dries, sand it with fine sandpaper (1200 grit). This procedure needs to be carried out a couple of times so that the table shines well.
12. Due to the fact that the tree was used spoiled, rotten, so that the legs were firmly fixed, we use sheet material. To do this, drill special holes for the nuts on the back of the countertop, then apply glue to the plates and stick to the countertop. Fig. 7

13. The legs are best used metal welded, and for their fastening use bolts. Fig. 8

That's all. Your table is ready. But know that it will only glow in the evening or at night. Fig. 9