Without which life in the country is impossible? Of course, without your own toilet. It often starts with him construction of the new house and after that the house itself, sheds and a summer kitchen appear. Having built a toilet, you can proceed with the further construction of the house, gardening and gardening, or just relaxing. How to build it without spending a lot of money and making it reliable and durable? Read about it below.
Such work should begin with determining the location of the toilet in the summer cottage. Remember that choosing a place, you must be guided not only by the convenience of location, but also by the sanitary and hygienic standards for this type of building.
According to the current sanitary standards, the toilet in the summer cottage should be removed from other buildings at least 25 meters. In addition, one should also consider the distance from the outbuildings of neighbors; remoteness from the well, the distance from which should also be at least 25 meters. Please note that if you use the well not only for household needs, but also as a source of drinking water, it is recommended that a laboratory analysis of the water quality be made after the construction of the toilet. If you are the owner of an “uneven” site with cavities and elevations, the toilet should be located at the lowest point of the site to avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors on the site. And finally - think in advance about the possibility of accessing the machine for waste water pumping waste from the cesspool of the toilet.
Having decided on the place of construction of the toilet, you should proceed to the direct construction.
We start by creating a cesspool under the toilet. A cesspool, as a rule, is excavated in the form of a square with a side of 1 meter, and with a depth of about 2-3 meters. In order to avoid shedding of the cesspool during operation, its walls are reinforced with brick or cinder block masonry, reinforced concrete rings or ordinary boards. The bottom of such a pit should be sealed to avoid contamination of wastewater and groundwater passing nearby, containing a cesspool. To do this, it is necessary to fill the bottom of the pit with rubble or pour it with a special concrete screed.
After the construction of the cesspool, a protective frame should be installed on it.

Such a frame, as a rule, is made of wood and is installed as follows: a rectangle is assembled from 4 metal or wooden beams of the appropriate length and installed on a columnar foundation made of cinder blocks or bricks. Next, waterproofing this frame using roofing material or other waterproofing material.
After installing the frame, you should proceed with the assembly of the toilet cubicle. To do this, to the previously installed frame should be brought and install 4 vertical beams, acting as racks.

On these racks, we strengthen the bars for installing the roof so that they slope out of the edges of our cabin. Please note that the roof bars should be mounted slightly inclined, so that in the future the toilet roof is slightly inclined. Precipitation will not accumulate on such a roof, whether it be snow or rain, which will positively affect its strength and durability.
Having established the "skeleton" of the toilet, you should take care of its seat. They build a toilet podium seat also from boards, adjusting and determining the height and width of this seat individually.
After installing the seat, you should take up the roof. It is built from wooden beams, insulated with roofing material or other material; install slate, metal tile or bitumen tile on top.

So the toilet is almost ready! Now it is necessary to sheathe its walls, using for this purpose a lining, a professional sheet or even ordinary wooden boards, which are available at your fingertips. Then the door is mounted; hinges, awnings and locks are installed.
If you decide to make your toilet really comfortable, take care of the lighting. During the day, sunlight will do just fine, falling through a pre-installed small window under the ceiling of the toilet; To illuminate at night, you need to bring electricity from the house and install a lamp in the toilet.

To ventilate the toilet and prevent unpleasant odors from the cesspool, we recommend installing a ventilation pipe. How to do it? To do this, you need a pipe with a diameter of about 10 centimeters, the lower end of which must be brought into the cesspool; the upper end of such a pipe should be brought out through the hole in the roof of the toilet, prepared previously.
Simple, right?