Have you been thinking about your own greenhouse in a summer cottage for a long time, but are prices too “biting” in stores? It does not matter, we bring to your attention a fairly simple and most importantly, affordable option to build your own greenhouse from old window frames.
The question immediately arises - where to get so many window frames so that it is enough to build a greenhouse? Now many are replacing old wooden windows with new plastic ones, which means that you can get old unnecessary windows as a gift. If this option did not work, you can always contact the staff of the window company involved in the installation of windows, and for a nominal fee, buy from them the old windows remaining after replacement.
So, we figured out where to find windows for building a greenhouse, and now it's time to proceed directly to building. Begin with the construction of the foundation.
When choosing a location for the location of the greenhouse, pay attention to the following: how much this place is lit, how it is located relative to the south and north and how much it is blown by the wind. Particular attention should be paid to the land on which the greenhouse will be located. The ideal option in this case is a dry dense soil that can withstand the load created by the greenhouse; if the soil is swampy, it must be further strengthened by creating a “pillow” of two layers under the foundation: gravel or crushed stone, and sand.
The foundation is done as follows: first, a trench breaks out, with a depth and width of about 40 centimeters; after formwork is done from wooden boards.

Further, reinforcement is laid in the formwork and concrete is poured. After hardening, the formwork is removed, and the foundation is isolated with roofing material or other waterproofing material.
Next, you need to prepare the window frames for installation. To do this, they are carefully inspected for defects, treated with an antiseptic to protect them from mold and rot and combined in such a way as to form a wall about 1.7 meters high.
The next step is to fill the floor.It should be made of cement, not forgetting to make a drain hole for water drainage. In addition, we recommend that you make the floor with a slight slope so that water does not accumulate on it, but flows naturally into the drain. Why concrete? It is ideally suited due to its structure: slightly rough, which makes the floor non-slip, but at the same time quite smooth and convenient for transporting goods along it.
Is there an alternative to concrete floor? Of course. For example, a floor made of wood sawdust that absorbs moisture well and is pleasant to look at; ceramic tiles left after finishing floors in the house, or wooden flooring.
Paul is ready, and now it's time to start building walls. First, you should install the frame for the walls, made of wooden beams with a thickness of about 5 centimeters. After installing the vertical beams, the windows are installed using self-tapping screws; cracks between windows and beams are sealed with sealant; the upper horizontal bars are installed, finishing our walls and serving as a support for the installed windows.

We draw your attention once again: in no case is it permissible to have drafts in the greenhouse; therefore, it is recommended that the joints and cracks be insulated without saving sealant and effort. Do not forget to leave a couple of small windows or window leaves open in the greenhouse, as it is through them that it will be aired.
The greenhouse is almost ready and the final stage of construction will be the erection of a roof. At this stage, you should decide which type of roof is right for you. A shed roof is easier to operate and requires less materials to create; It is recommended for construction in case you have a little cash or do not have enough prepared materials for its construction. If you have the means and the desire to tinker with the construction a little longer, we recommend the construction of a gable roof.

Which roof option would you choose, do not forget about the most thorough insulation of the roof and its joints. Remember that any, even the smallest hole, can cause further leakage, mold or fungus.
A little trick in the end: if you find during the construction process that you do not have enough window frames to complete the construction, do not worry. Here you will come to the aid of sheets of transparent polycarbonate or a durable plastic film for greenhouses.

As you can see, to build your own greenhouse, just a little ingenuity, imagination and desire to create and build is enough.