A float is an indispensable thing in fishing. It is a stick or a ball that is attached to a fishing line. A float is used for several purposes. The first - holds the hook with the bait at a certain depth, the second - with the help of a float, the fisherman finds out that the fish are biting. There are many kinds of floats on aliexpress. The best-selling of them: bright neon color, glowing, with elastic and so on. The largest selection of luminous floats, which are mainly used for night fishing. They are made of fluorescent material. The cheapest floats here can be found for $ 0.20. As for me, it is more profitable to order floats in small batches on this site. Since the delivery is quite long and at a price it will turn out cheaper. And you can also share floats that are not often sold in your city with your friends.
Cost: ~ from 50