More and more people understand the benefits and the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise. However, the modern "crazy" rhythm of life dictates its own rules, and not everyone has the opportunity to devote one and a half to two hours a day for sports; spend time on the road to the gym and back; adapt to the mode of operation of gyms. In this case, the way out is the usual, familiar to us from childhood, wall horizontal bar. Despite the apparent simplicity of training on the horizontal bar, they bring considerable benefit. Here is the development of torso muscles - arms, shoulders, back, chest, abs, and strengthening the spine, and improving posture. And although you can buy a horizontal bar with ease in modern sporting goods stores, not everyone is ready to part with the “tidy" amount of money they ask for such a horizontal bar. And here, the created do it yourself, an inexpensive and reliable horizontal bar made according to the tips described below. We decide which kind of horizontal bar we want - wall or located in the doorway. Each of these models has its pros and cons, so the choice is yours.
So, the wall horizontal bar.

It is mounted on any accessible wall of the house with anchor bolts that can withstand significant loads. Its advantages are: -Small size, allowing you to mount it almost anywhere, even in a small apartment; -the ability to install it at any height convenient for you, not limited by the height of the doorway; -reliability of the design, which allows people with heavy weight to exercise on the horizontal bar. However, in addition to the advantages, this type of horizontal bars has certain disadvantages, the most important of which is the inability to perform various tricks and exercises that require large space, due to the location of the horizontal bar near the wall. The next type of horizontal bars is the horizontal bar located in the doorway. Its strengths are: -Small dimensions, thanks to which it takes up very little space; -the ability to hang a boxing bag or swing for children on such a horizontal bar. As for the shortcomings, the most important among them are: the limited height at which the horizontal bar can be fixed, the height of the doorway and the limited width of the doorway of the training area, which makes it impossible to perform some complex elements on the horizontal bar. Our choice today is the horizontal bar in the doorway, as model, requiring less cost and effort to create, and at the same time possessing almost all the advantages of a wall horizontal bar. To create the horizontal bar in the doorway we need: a metal pipe, a little longer than the width of your doorway; drill; Bulgarian; vise; wood screws. Important: when cutting metal, be extremely careful and careful, in order to avoid injuries, observe the safety rules when working with metal. Creating a horizontal bar should begin with measuring the width of your doorway. It is important to consider that the doorway in the places where the horizontal bar will be attached must be strong and not crumble. Next, we take a pre-prepared section of a metal pipe and from one end of it we make four identical cuts with a depth of about two centimeters.

After the incisions, we get four “petals” that need to be bent in different directions; two of them located opposite each other - crop.

In the remaining “petals”, one hole with a diameter of about four to five millimeters should be drilled. The resulting "petals" with holes will be our mounts for the horizontal bar.

Next, you need to do the same actions with the other end of the pipe, while the length of the pipe after creating the fasteners should equal the width of the doorway. Next, it is necessary to use a file to clean out all the places of pipe cuts and drilling, and finally, install the resulting horizontal bar in the doorway with the help of screws, screwing the latter into the holes drilled earlier in the “petals”.

If you plan to install this type of horizontal bar not in the doorway, but between the walls, we recommend you another way of fixing it. To do this, weld a metal corner on each side of the pipe; then in the corners we make holes with a drill. After preparing the horizontal bar in this way, we install it in the opening between the walls, screwing the horizontal bar to the walls with the help of long screws. A little secret: in order to keep the whole wallpaper, screwing the horizontal bar on the walls, we recommend that you lay between the horizontal bar and the walls a small piece of linoleum or durable rubber.