Thanks to films featuring Bruce Lee, the nunchucks have gained particular popularity among fans of oriental martial arts. This article will help you make yourself training nunchucks in order to get the necessary skills before taking on combat. Ideally, a person who is keen on nunchakus should have three types of nunchaku:
- light nunchucks (used to learn basic techniques and new movements to eliminate the possibility of injury);
- combat nunchucks (designed for use in combat conditions);
- heavy nunchucks (used to develop the strength of the hands and hands, increase speed, as well as increase functional characteristics).
Nunchucks are used to inflict crushing blows and asphyxiation techniques. In addition, most of the fighting styles in which the nunchucks are used also use them to control the opponent - throwing, selecting weapons, etc. Technique of owning this oriental weapons includes many elements, which makes mastering the mentioned weapons a very difficult task, so if you want to master the nunchaku after watching a Chinese movie about martial arts, think again, you have to go through a lot of training. Nunchucks are considered melee weapons, so if possible do not use them on the street. Although who thinks about the law when his life is in danger? I could never understand these phrases like: do not use ... be careful ... Simply put, do not use nunchucks when you can cope without them. And if you can’t, beat without sparing your strength ...
To make a nunchak you need:
1. a roll of old wallpaper;
2. cord with a diameter of 5-6 mm;
3. scissors or a sharp knife;
4. ruler;
5. electrical tape;
6. an awl or any other object with which you can drill a small hole.
Step one. Cut the roll across so that the length of the handle is somewhere from the elbow to the middle of the palm. The length may be different depending on your preference, sometimes one handle is made longer than the other.

Step Two We turn the resulting rolls to get a tube with a diameter of about 3 cm and a width of the wound layer over 1 cm.

Step Three We cut off all the excess, and fix the ends of the roll with electrical tape.

Step Four Next, you should step back from the edge of the handle approximately 5-6 cm and make a through hole, for this, use an awl or other rather sharp object.

Step Five Insert the cord into the hole.For convenience, you can sharpen the end of the cord with a knife.

Step Six Now we tie a straight knot at the front ends of the handles.

Straight knot tied as follows:

The distance between the handles should be equal to your hand (10-14 cm). This length is considered optimal, however, manufacturers of nunchak do not always adhere to this length, so see for yourself.
Seventh step. After adjusting the length of the cord, we tightly connect the free ends with a straight knot and cut off the excess. Next, you can singe the ends of the cord with fire so that they do not creep.

Step Eight. So you have come to the finals. We wrap the handles of the nunchaku with electrical tape and voila, the training nunchucks are ready. These nunchucks are easy and cheap to make. Combat nunchucks are made in a similar way, only solid wood often acts as a hilt. Good luck in training and mastering new weapons!