The article will describe how do it yourself make useful device for everybody auto and motto lover.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to sort out old shock absorbers and replace the stuffing box or other worn parts in them. True, for this they need to be disassembled, and it is not so simple to remove the springs from them and after repair to install them back. Of course, there is a large selection of ready-made, factory pullers on sale, but they cost pretty well, and the need to use them does not arise so often.
Here are some factory pullers:
The design of the puller presented in the article is extremely simplified, as they say "everything ingenious is simple!".
To create the device you will need:
- A hairpin and nuts to it;
(the thickness of the stud depends on the thickness of the springs that need to be removed, the author used a stud 12 mm thick)
- Two crescents per hairpin;
- Tube diameter studs;
- Bulgarian;
- Welding machine.
First you need to cut two pieces of the studs of the desired length, the more, the more universal the puller will work.
Such platforms are welded to the crescents to increase the area of contact with the spring:
On the other side of the puller, such a bracket is being worn. A spring retainer is welded onto a suitable diameter tube. The bracket has no threaded connections, and freely slides on the hairpin:
To compress the spring, a nut is screwed over the bracket and tightened to the desired spring compression.
Here are photos of the finished puller. As you can see, the mechanism works.