All fishermen know how important it is to notice a bite in time and get ready for a hook. Today the market offers a very large selection of different signaling devices and floats. But, if you make an alarm do it yourself, it will be possible to get a very high-quality product without spending a cent. The signaling device is made quite simply and the work, moreover, does not take much time to produce it.
Bite alarm. Manufacture.
In order to start manufacturing a bite signaling device, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
- The wire.
- Cambric (2 pcs).
- Pliers.
- Clerical knife or scissors.
It takes just 15 minutes to make a bite alarm.

So, you can proceed.
First you need to take a wire, the length of which should depend on the size of the rod to which it will be attached. About 30 cm can be taken. In principle, it does not matter what material is taken for this work. If you take a strong steel wire, it will be difficult to work with it. That is why in this example the most ordinary aluminum wire is taken, because it is soft and durable.

Now you need to take cambric. This is necessary so that this design holds well and the fishing thread does not get stuck in the signaling device. By the way, Cambrices do not need to be bought at the store, because this is exactly the thing that is constantly available at hand.
For example, you can take any cable available at home, which will be suitable in diameter and remove part of its insulation. For this homemade it is best to take a cable from a satellite or television antenna. Now you need to cut off part of the cable with scissors or cut the insulation with a clerical knife and remove it.

After the cambric is ready for use, you need to cut a large piece into two parts, because for work you need just such a number of parts.

Now you need to go back to the wire. It is necessary to bend one end of it exactly as shown in the photo below. The bent part will be attached to the rod, It is for this that one edge is rounded. The bottom of the wire must be left level. It is necessary to bend in such a way that its edge extends to the base of the signaling device, so that after a while it can be fixed with a cambric.

After the work done, you must immediately put on two existing cambrices on the existing structure.

Now it is necessary to bend the edge of the wire on the other hand, while the made eye should be directed upwards. Next, you need to bend the wire in the other direction, when compared with the first. You need to bend just a little bit, enough to create a second ring.

So, now you can make the second ring. This time you need to do a fully rounded shape. It is also necessary to leave a little wire that is adjacent to the base of the signaling device and secure it with a second cambric.

Next, you need to put on cambrices in order to clamp both sides. So, now you can see the finished product, which will just need to be fixed on your rod.

For such a product, you can use a thicker wire to make the design even more durable and reliable.

To fix this signaling device, you simply need to remove the cambric and attach the first bend to your rod (on the first large ring), and through the second you need to skip the fishing thread.

When the rod is folded, the signaling device will not interfere with the transportation of fishing tackle.

A positive point when making a signaling device with your own hands is precisely the fact that money is not wasted in its manufacture. At the same time, there is a really high-quality signaling device of our own production on hand, which is enough for many fishing trips. Due to the fact that this indicator was made of aluminum, there will be no corrosion and breakage on it.
Perhaps many fishermen were faced with the fact that the plastic counterparts from the shops can not withstand a long period of operation and quickly break down. In the case of making the alarm device with your own hands, a lot of effort and time is not wasted, but it turns out to be much better than the store one. Such a signaling device shows itself well when fishing on bottom rigs. In this case, even the smallest bite will be noticed and there will be an opportunity to respond in time.
When hooking and hatching fish, the indicator will not interfere. It will also be during the long casting of the bait. In addition, there is no need to prepare the signaling device for casting fishing rods, because everything will always be ready for perfect work.