In the summer cottage there is always a lot of work: you need to dig up and drive in nails, and constantly move soil, fertilizers and other weights, such as cement, stones or sand, from place to place. Of course, carrying the same soil with your hands is not very convenient, and often frankly difficult. And here a reliable, time-tested garden car comes to the rescue of summer residents. It greatly simplifies the life of summer residents and is a serious help in the work.
So, running to the store for such a cart? Do not hurry. You can make such a car do it yourself from improvised materials, while the resulting trolley will not be worse than the trolley purchased in the store. Why pay more?
So, today's article will be devoted to the irreplaceable assistant and the “hard worker" - the garden cart. To assemble it with our own hands we will need: material for the manufacture of a truck body, a small-diameter wheel, for example, from a motorcycle or even a bicycle, a metal profile and a tool for work. Now about each component of the car in more detail.
Wheelbarrow body - to create it, we need sheets of metal with a thickness of about two millimeters, or, as an even more budgetary material, half of a metal barrel, cut in height.
Two not heavy metal profiles with a length of the order of one hundred thirty centimeters each will be needed for us to create a supporting structure, the wheel is necessary for more convenient movement of the trolley around the site.
So, we begin creation of the cart. The first step is to determine its size, the dimensions of its body, and then mark the dimensions of all parts of the body on a sheet of metal. Next, we cut out all the parts from the sheet of metal and weld them together so that we get a box. If you decide to make the cart body from an old barrel, it’s still easier: you just need to cut the barrel along and the body is ready.
Next, it is necessary to weld together two metal profiles prepared in advance so that we get a design in the form of the letter “A”. A narrow part of this design is welded under the wheelbarrow body and should slightly protrude beyond it, while the wide ends of the structure will be used by us as handles. Please note that the distance between such handles must be equal to the distance of the width of the shoulders. It is this width that is most convenient for working with a wheelbarrow; wider or narrower shifted wheelbarrow handles will be inconvenient to use and will bring more inconvenience than good.
Now, under the welded supporting structure, it is necessary to install racks in the area of the handle of the wheelbarrow so that the wheelbarrow is stable when loading heavy loads into it.
And finally, the last action: we install the wheel on a narrow part of the supporting structure of the car.
Now you can paint our car to give it a more attractive look, and our assistant is ready.
Such a trolley will serve you faithfully for more than a dozen summers and will be indispensable for most work.