I present to your attention another interesting model all-terrain vehicle with three axles. So all-terrain vehicle the six-wheeled mass will be up to two tons, it is much heavier than the all-terrain vehicle that was considered last time.
Elements of spare parts, mechanisms used in the construction of this model of a three-axle all-terrain vehicle:
1) The internal combustion engine was taken from Toyota.
2) The front axle was taken from the Gazelle, but the rear and middle ones, it was decided to remove from Sable.
3) The frame was taken from Oise.
4) Transfer box used from Gas-66
5) The suspension was made A-shaped on springs and levers.
6) Tires took Trekol sizes 1300 to 600.
Let us dwell on the construction of an all-terrain vehicle.
Here is a photo of the first alterations of the bridge from the gazelle:

the length of the bridge was 1900 mm, if measured by adjacent disks. Below is a photograph of the spacer, the stocking of the bridge was machined on a lathe and adjusted to the structural elements:

And here you can see the reinforced hub, as you can tell the turner tried his best:

Let's get ahead a bit.
Adjustment and installation of wheels on a welded frame and installed bridges:
And here is the frame itself:
The frame was made of a profile pipe measuring 10 by 10 centimeters and a thickness of 4 mm. steel grade st2. In the process of assembling the frame, the pipe was cut by a plasma cutter and turned out to be 60 by 100 mm, and an amplifier like on the UAZ frame was welded from steel grade st3 and 32 mm thick. After that, the frame was docked with a profile in the area of the rear axle bump. There is an UAZ which has a profile size of 60 per 100 mm. Crashed into a frame with a rhombus. After welding, a 4 mm thick overlay was placed on top. And the length of the extended fist of the frame is not exactly known.
The following photos clearly show the suspension elements:
Here you can see the front axle and hydraulic cylinder:
By the way, I would like to write separately about the transfer case. It was used from the Gas-66, but the shaft on the front axle is elongated. Although in fact it was just machined again. This shaft drives the middle bridge of the all-terrain vehicle.
As for the hydraulic cylinder, the steering hydraulic cylinder from the American company PSC. A feature of this cylinder model is the through-rod, and two threads for steering rods and two ball threads were also included. This cylinder is produced just for the modernization of all-terrain vehicles and jeeps, for which they are installed in replacement of the standard steering.
And the bridges from the Gazelle were used for several reasons.One of them is the reliability of bridges of this design, proven in practice. And the width of the bridges is also very important. Although at first the author wanted to use bridges from Toyota, their prices made adjustments to their plans. In addition, these bridges are exactly the same in mass as Toyota. On the dimensions of the bridges, we can say that the front one is 190 centimeters wide and the average one is only 180 centimeters, so it was decided to compensate for the difference by installing Trekol disks with different departures of 22 and 28 centimeters, respectively.
Car wheels close-up:
According to the author, 150 kilograms of metal were taken to weld the body.
And here is this very front A-lever:
All-terrain vehicle skin begins to appear:
And again, an unusual solution: a two-in-one model hydraulic oil volume steering oil tank and a radiator are installed.
suspension bridge:
In the photo below, you can consider this diagram:
And in this picture you can see the automatic gearbox and rvd:
also its view on the right side:
Final work on the car skin:
And here is a photo of the finished all-terrain vehicle:
more precisely, he is ready for 90 percent, since after the first trip for half a kilometer, serious design flaws of the transfer case from gas-66 were revealed, as well as the cooling of the automatic gearbox. Well, according to the already established tradition, the parameters of the mass of the all-terrain vehicle were naturally exceeded, although not by so much, by only 100 kilograms. That is, the all-terrain vehicle turned out to be 2 whole mass, one tenth of a ton.
More photos of the all-terrain vehicle with a ready-made kung:
And here is the inside view:
It resembles the Gaz-66 salon, only the partition between the kung and the cabin is missing. And the benches on the sides are exactly the same, and the size fits.
In conclusion, I would like to note some design features.
The distance from the transfer case to the rear axle is quite large, the cardan from the transfer case about 62 centimeters long goes to the intermediate support with a cardan about 120 centimeters long to the rear axle, the intermediate support is made in the form of a pipe with an arm in it landing under gaskets and bearings, it is the shaft. The support itself is bolted to the cross member of the frame, roller bearings are regulated with washers, grease from a foreign manufacturer is blue. With factory driveshafts with an intermediate support, you can not even try to experiment, since they do not withstand and turns the support.
As for the gearbox, after several test trips, it began to heat up less and the average consumption decreased slightly, but if you move 60-70 centimeters high in the snow, and even with a load of 6-7 people, the temperature reaches as much as 120 degrees in driving mode 2, and when switching to L mode, the temperature drops to an acceptable 60-70 degrees. But still the speed in this mode is too small, literally creeping. So it is quite possible in the future to switch to a manual gearbox, instead of an automatic one. The author is just lying around weighing 60 kilograms including a clutch. And all mechanisms in general will be under 80 kilograms, so the difference in weight is in favor of mechanics. Although the ease of operation with the Automatic transmission overcomes everything. For this reason, it was decided to simply rebuild the automatic gearbox to strengthen it, open the hydraulic transformer and check its operability (maybe the problem of overheating lies in it). And if you manage to fix the problem, then the machine will naturally be left.
And a stove was installed "potbelly stove":