Dog breeders containing more than one dog every day face the problem of walking their pets when it is difficult to keep them in check at the same time. And a lot of leashes - this is both unprofitable and uncomfortable. A great way out - a double leash. Moreover, it can be made pretty quickly yourself.
Materials and tools:
1. A rope, which is a braided rope made of nylon with a length of about 50 meters and a diameter of a centimeter. If in the process of work extra pieces remain - it does not matter, they can always be useful in everyday life. An alternative to nylon rope is cotton.
2. Rope locks in the amount of 5 pieces.
3. Carabiner.
4. Swivel clamps in the amount of 2 pieces.
5. Nickel-plated parts of a regular leash.
6. Roulette.
7. Clamping device.
8. A sharp knife.
9. The hammer.
10. Lighter if a nylon rope is to be used.
Operating procedure:
It is extremely important that the handle of the leash does not rub the palm of your hand, otherwise constant attempts to restrain the restless pets risk turning into calluses and loosening the grip. To avoid this, it is recommended to wrap the workpiece with artificial leather - vinyl. Vinyl will need a little larger size than the blank under the handle. But the shape is cut identical.

Two pieces of the required length are cut from the rope. The length depends on several factors - the size of the dog, its character, as well as the distance at which the pet is used to holding during the walk.

The ends of the cord may fluff. Especially if nylon is preferred. To avoid this, they must be ignited and melted with a lighter or match. The main thing is that the fire is not too strong. In the case of cotton, it is better to skip this point, since the cotton will only burn, but will not melt.

Next, hold the cable. To do this, the end of the rope is threaded through the hole of the rotary clamp. Fold the rope in such a way that it can fit in the clip. In this case, you must carefully monitor so that the output does not remain an unnecessarily long end.

Using a clamping device, the rope is fixed on both sides. A flat mallet can also be used.

Similar procedures are carried out with the second part of the leash.
Now we can take up the final formation of the pen. It is very important that there is enough space inside so that you can skip the leash. To connect the rope and handle, it is recommended to use a carabiner. Ropes in the end should go parallel to each other.

That's it - the double leash is ready! To make it is quite simple, it does not require the expenditure of a large amount of time and materials. The result will please any dog breeder.