Each owner of the apartment sooner or later must change the water supply system in his home. Most consumers hire specialists to carry out this procedure, but if you have some basic skills, you can change the water supply system of your apartment yourself. So, the time has come when you decided to completely change the water supply in your apartment. But without a special need to do this, there is no need. About how worn out the water supply, only a specialist will tell you, perhaps you need to replace the pipes only in some areas.
Before repairing the water supply do it yourself, you need to develop a scheme according to which all fixturesensuring the normal functioning of the system. In order to make your work as easy as possible, make such a drawing on a large sheet of paper, so it will be much easier for you to navigate what exactly and where to do it.
If you are repairing an apartment or water supply alone, it is advisable to replace the pipes everywhere with plastic ones. Elements of the system made of such a material are characterized by durability, since their integrity is not affected by the low quality of tap water, that is, pipes are not susceptible to corrosion and do not interact with acids and alkalis.

Having started construction cottages or home repair, choose plastic pipes, because only in this case can you guarantee a long service life of the system.
Having made a drawing, according to which the construction of a new water supply network will take place, you can calculate the amount of materials that will be useful to you for this. But buy all the parts with a margin so that you do not have to stretch the network repair for several days due to the need to constantly buy something else.
Having prepared all the materials, you need to ask a local plumber to shut off the water in your riser. It is advisable to carry out repairs of this type in the warm season, because otherwise your neighbors will be unhappy with this event.In addition, you must definitely warn people who live one floor above and one floor below that you are going to crash into their risers /
After the water is turned off, you can remove the old elements of the system. But remember that before you start any work (such as "do it yourself»), Think about not inconvenience to your neighbors. And if you can’t do without it, warn the residents of your house about repairing the water supply.
To dismantle the old system, you will need some tools, including wrenches, a hammer, a hammer drill and chisels. When working with a grinder, be sure to observe safety measures.
After cutting new pipes, make threads on them with a die. Next, you need to wind a tow or FUM on the thread. In order for the connection to have greater strength, you can screw the fitting onto the thread and press it with a nut. Using this method, the entire water system is created. Then you can start welding these compounds, but during this procedure you need to strictly observe the heating temperature. As a rule, it depends on the diameter of the water pipe. Having welded the joints in the entire system, you can safely begin to use the water supply.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the installation of the water supply system, such a procedure can be done even by a beginner.