There is a huge mass of feeders designed for both feeder and bottom fishing. However, many fishermen understand the pleasure of fishing for the gear that he himself made. She is a kind of talisman, because this is a unique thing that no fisherman has.
Here we will consider two ways to make a feeder for fishing carp do it yourself. In one embodiment, a tablespoon will be used, and in another, the feeder will be made exclusively of lead and copper wire.
Materials and tools:
- a tablespoon (stainless steel);
- lead;
- carbine, ring, swivel;
- soldering iron;
- drill;
- hammer;
- grinder;
- stainless steel strip;
- copper wire.

Lead can be found in old batteries or it can be obtained from wires with a lead insulator. It needs to be re-melted beforehand, a tin can is quite suitable for these purposes. As for the stainless steel strip, its author found it in an old mixer. The width of the strip is 5 mm and the thickness is 0.5 mm.
The process of making a spoon feeder:
Step 1. We make the basis of the feeder
For these purposes, you need to take the grinder and cut off the handle from the spoon. Now using a drill on both sides of the spoon you need to drill holes. They are needed for fastening the feeder and leash with a hook. By the way, do not throw out the handle of a spoon; you can make excellent baubles out of them.
In addition, you need to drill 2 holes (4 in total) under the arcs.

Step 2. Making arcs
The arcs will be made of stainless steel strips. The length of one strip should be 7-8 cm, and the other 5-6 cm. Having departed from the edge of the strips of 1 cm, you need to drill holes for fastening future arcs. Well, now it remains to bend the strips and attach them to the spoon. For fastening, the author used copper rivets.

Step 3. Weighting the feeders
In order for the fish to self-bite during bite, the feeder should have a sufficiently large weight. To make it heavier, you need to use lead.To do this, it is melted and a spoon is poured. In order for the lead to hold well, a hole is made through it and a spoon, and then all the same copper rivets come into play.

That's all, the feeder is almost ready. It remains only to install the swivel and tie the leash with a hook.
Another way to make a feeder
In this case, lead and copper wire will be used. To make the housing of the feeder, the lead is rolled out in a spoon. Subsequently, the edges of the hull are brazed with copper wire; in the process, loops are also made for attaching the feeder to the main fishing line and leash. As for the arcs, they are also made of copper wire.
When fishing for carp, the author recommends using hooks with “hair”. Thanks to this “hair”, boilies, corn or other bait clings. Boyles are attached to the hair using special clips. As for corn, the author recommends attaching 4-5 grains to the "hair". That's all, filling the feeder with food, you can cast and wait for the trophy.

Also crucian carp is perfectly caught on such a feeder, but in this case two hooks are used. Leashes are made 10-15 cm long, and flurocrabone is best used for their manufacture. The fact is that the light refraction spectrum of this material is the same as that of water. This means that the fish will not notice such a line in the water. As a result, the fish will seem that the bait is hovering over the feeder.