After a power outage, find the ends of the electric wire of the partition to be dismantled in the soldered box and disconnect them. In the case when the soldered box is directly on the dismantled partition, it is necessary to open all the wiring in the disassembly zone and remove it. Insulate the remaining ends of the existing wiring. Now you can turn on the electricity.
When dismantling partitions with doorways, remove the door leaf and carefully knock out the box. It is fastened with four nails. This door will come in handy if not in the apartment, then in the country.
All partitions are disassembled from top to bottom. Using a scalpel and a hammer, it is necessary to knock out the solution between the partition and the coating plates. As a rule, all partitions do not reach the ceiling with their tops, and in order to prevent them from swinging, they are wedged at the top with bricks and mortar. In the same interval is the wiring.
Having freed the top of the partition along its entire length, it is no longer so difficult to disassemble. A brick or gypsum concrete partition is dismantled with a hammer or a scarpel.
Carefully breaking the plaster, take out bricks or gypsum concrete slabs. However, if you do not feel sorry for the sexes and neighbors, you can drop it with a few blows of a sledgehammer. With a concrete partition, it’s more complicated, you can’t fit the crane and take it out, you have to break it into pieces. Now there are electric (220 V) jack hammers on sale. With such a hammer, you can disassemble the partition. Weak, of course, the hammer, but you can disassemble, I tried. It is possible with a sledgehammer, if health allows.
From the partition tiled, try to remove the tile with a scarpel. Insert the scarpel between the wall and the mortar, not between the mortar and the tile. It all depends on how the cladding was made: if it is of high quality, then there is almost no hope that the tile will remain intact.
A new partition must be started with floor slabs. To do this, you need to disassemble the floors partially or completely. For new partitions, you can use old brick or gypsum concrete slabs.
One of the conditions for a well-made repair is the cleanliness of the workplace.The cleaner, the better the scope of upcoming work and your quality. Garbage from broken partitions is better to take out, but it is easier to throw it out the window. To do this, you need to enclose the place of a possible fall with ropes below and hang red ribbons on them. And put an observer. Everyone knows from their own experience that no ropes and fences can make us turn off the planned route. Instruct the observer, or you will even hurt your own. Then the garbage, of course, must be taken out.
Brick partitions are laid on a cement-sand mortar. For cement M400 - 1 part cement, 8 parts sand (1: 8); for cement M200 - 1: 4. Drywall partitions are laid dry, a groove in the crest. At the top of the partition, they are wedged with brick and thrown with mortar.
Partitions intended for plaster are made into a wasteland, i.e. mortar during masonry is not reported to the edge of the brick 1 cm. Lovers of interiors "antique" partitions may not be plastered at all. In this case, the masonry should be done with special care, with complete filling and jointing of the seam. Brick is better to use facing, with smooth, not broken corners.
In the partitions, doorways are overlapped by jumpers at a height of 2.10 m above the level of a clean floor. Jumpers can be used old, obtained after dismantling. At present, arched ceilings are very fashionable. Such openings can be filled with door blocks, and can be without them.
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