An ordinary computer desk, just a workplace with a worktop on which all computer accessories are located, is all very ordinary and not interesting. Of course, everyone is tired of the monotonous factory tables assembled from laminated particleboard, I want something fresh, stylish and unusual.
There are several projects that are extraordinarily stylistically advanced, you can even say ultra-modern, which can be realized and enjoyed using an extraordinary masterpiece of design thought.

To implement one of these projects, we need the following materials and tools:
- grinder;
- drill;
-welding machine;
- cutting and grinding wheels;
- diamond drill on glass;
- bolts and nuts;
- thick glass;
- profile tube.
Let's analyze the following version of modding a computer table:

We make a preliminary sketch, using the ruler, reducing all dimensions by ten times (there is also space for your personal creativity), arrange the dimensions of the table frame parts we need and calculate the amount of material we need.
In the manufacture of the frame we will use a profile tube 15 * 15 mm or you can use 20 * 20 mm, a profile pipe 40 * 20 for the table leg and a metal strip for the monitor holder. In principle, you can take any material, here are also your personal additions.
We make a cut of measured elements, weld the frame, clean all irregularities and rust, degrease and paint.
All table sizes are arbitrary, the main thing is to observe the proportions and the table top should be located directly above the entire table support.

The tabletop can be made of any suitable material: plastic, laminated particleboard, wood, etc.
In our version, we will use glass, the most suitable material for vintage design.
It is better to order glass in a specialized workshop, since its processing is a rather time-consuming process.
So, in the finished glass for fixing the countertop in pre-marked places, we make holes with a diamond drill, on the frame we weld the nuts inside the tube into the pre-made holes. Mounting is carried out using bolts with a decorative hat.
We make the assembly, as a result, the following computer table should be obtained: