Addiction to fresh herbs, this is a correct and healthy addiction. Greens - a storehouse of vitamins, decoration for a variety of dishes, spicy and low-calorie food supplement.

Almost all fresh greens are used, it is grown in personal plots, and can be purchased at the bazaar and in the store. But, like all tender fresh vegetation, dill, parsley, basil, cilantro and other favorite garden herbs, they quickly wither, cut from the garden. Just need a container to store fresh herbs.
In order to restore and preserve the "green vitamins" there are proven methods. It is not good to just keep them in a bag in the refrigerator, so they will remain lethargic and begin to rot.

When you brought the greens home to restore its vigor, first disassemble the stems, separate the substandard twigs, spoiled ones go to the garbage, shorten the long stems, separate the roots, separate the thin branches with leaves from thick stems so that you get a neat bunch with the same the length of the greenfinches. Type a bowl or pan of cold water and dip greens into it. If the bunch is very large, then lightly press down on top of all this economy with a plate, it is necessary that all branches are immersed in water.

Leave the greens to become saturated with moisture, even if the dill or parsley looked completely wilted, after a couple of hours they will become as if they had just been picked.

While the useful grass is soaking, we will make a container for its storage. To do this, you need two plastic bottles with a capacity of one and a half to two liters, it is necessary that they be wide enough. In the example, Lipton tea bottles were used, labels were easily removed, there were no adhesive traces, and the shape made it possible to make convenient halves of the container.

Remove all labels from the bottles.

We cut the first bottle closer to the top to get a tall glass.

The second bottle is closer to the bottom, so that you get a short glass with a narrowed rim.

The edges of both glasses are treated with scissors, we cut off all burrs and irregularities.

We try on both containers, a smaller glass becomes a lid for a large one. It turns out almost an ideal container for storing greens.

We wash our container, fill it with water by one third.

We take out the refreshed greens from the pan and place it with stems in the water.

Close the container top with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.Leave the greens where it is cool, but not freezing, it needs a temperature of +5, +10 degrees.

In such a container, the greens will remain fresh for a week and even a little more.