You can make such a hand for jewelry yourself. No expensive materials are needed for this.
You will need:
• One kg of gypsum, or another casting solution.
• Plywood size 20 x 30cm
• Glass.
• Thick rubber gloves, small in size.

Take a glass with a diameter roughly like a glove in your wrist. Apply on plywood and outline. See the photo.

Drill a hole with a drill.

Now cut a circular hole around the outline.

Sand over the edges.

Insert the glove into the hole. Fasten around the perimeter with staples.

Dilute the gypsum powder with water. The mixture should not be thick, and not too rare. Remember you have five minutes to fill the glove with the mixture.

Gently pour the mixture into the glove. Remember her so that the air bubbles come out. Leave for 48 hours. Be patient.

Check if everything is frozen.
Cut the glove and carefully remove it.

Now you can use the "bone arm" as intended)))