Drywall help solve the problems of unevenness of the ceiling, with the help of which do it yourself you can realize any even the most daring and original design idea.
By exercising construction cottages, repair of a country house or apartment, many owners begin to wonder: what to do with the ceiling? Since construction was carried out at an accelerated pace in Soviet times, few people cared about such a “trifle” as perfectly smooth and even ceilings. As a result of this omission, current residents of apartments and houses have to puzzle over how to correct this annoying misunderstanding.
The process of smoothing dry and wet method is very long and laborious. It can be aggravated by the fact that, as practice shows, often the repair of an apartment or house includes full or partial redevelopment according to new design needs and ideas. Usually, it is necessary to move the light sources, which will require additional efforts with the wiring. Hollowing in the ceiling grooves for an electric cable, frankly, an ungrateful and monotonous occupation. To avoid it, it is better to use a more modern method of solving problems - to make a false ceiling from drywall with your own hands. Among other things, with skillful selection of materials, such a method can be very cost-effective.
So that in the "do it yourself»To create a suspended ceiling from drywall, you will first need to be patient and determine the front of the work. For this, it is necessary to mark the working area where the installation of the structure is planned.

The first step is marking the ceiling. This is a very responsible process. Due to the fact that not every wall has an ideal level, and the angle of inclination of the ceiling is often not horizontal, it is an unforgivable mistake to consider them a constant and orient the measurements of the future ceiling on them. Absolutely all the boundaries of your suspended ceiling must be done in level.It is important to take into account that the marking can be considered correct if the beginning of the perimeter coincides with its completion.
Carrying out repairs of the house, the electrification of the ceiling should be carried out in accordance with a predetermined plan. It should be remembered that the bulbs built into the ceiling of drywall should not be heated. Before installing them, it is necessary to acquire electrical wiring and special fittings. It is advisable to install bulbs through one. They must be included separately. It is better if two switches take care of the lighting control.
After completion of work with electrical wiring, plasterboard sheets are suspended. Their fasteners are made using special screws. During installation, the transverse profiles should be left unsecured for some time. This will allow you to easily move them to the formed joint. Before releasing the sheet, wrap two screws at both ends. So that there is no unsightly ragged edge, the corners of the joints must be sanded with a special rasp. Finishing repairs, it remains only to putty the ceiling with a spatula and special paper, and entrust the grinding of bumps to an emery cloth.