Any car owner knows: garage necessary. If you are friends with a hammer and a saw, then, in this case, you can easily build a light wooden garage yourself.
Even if you spend only a warm season at the cottage - a garage is still necessary. But buying a garage is expensive, so you should try to build it. do it yourself. For this, you don’t need any special tools, expensive materials or a lot of construction experience.
To keep the car in the country, a light wooden garage is quite suitable. There are several ways to build it yourself, quickly and at minimal cost. To do this, you will need logs for the frame, 25 mm thick for walls and a floorboard (50 mm) for the floor and roof.

For such a lightweight structure, a foundation is not required; there will be enough racks for poles and corners. We mark out a place for them and dig half-meter pits. We use sand as a pillow. To do this, pour it to half the depth of the dug hole and fill it with water. Thus, the sand cushion is compacted. Now you need to lay the racks out of red brick so that they rise 20 cm above the ground. Optimum rack width: brick length. Carefully align the racks in height. Cement mortar is perfect for this. Now you can proceed building.
We stack the bottom row, we connect the logs with the help of cuts and metal staples. Install racks in the same way. Here you will also need jibs. The upper ceiling row is laid on the racks. We tighten the frame with boards or a bar and strengthen it with diagonal stiffeners. We pay special attention to the attachment points of the gates. Remember to treat the bottom row with bitumen. This will make the building more durable.
We lay the floor, sheathe the frame with a cramp, close the roof, leaving small gaps between the boards. You can close it with slate or roofing material, but, in the latter case, you will have to make a slight slope so that the water drains freely during rain. If there is a woodworking enterprise nearby, then at a small price you can buy lining trimmings, sheathe your garage and impregnate the walls with a special compound. In this case, he will look very beautiful. Inside the garage can be insulated. Drywall or siding is suitable for this.
When you build a garage, think that it can be combined, for example, with a pantry for garden tools or tools. In this case, you only need to divide this structure.
The factory in Europe is in full swing for the production of lumber for the construction of buildings.
But even during the construction of such a simple room as a garage, there are some little tricks. For example, instead of brick racks, you can successfully use ordinary car tires from GAZ or ZIL. You just need to lay them on the ground, fill them with sand or slag and compact them very tightly. For a standard size garage, nine such tires will be needed.
There is another way to build a garagewhat is called "whip up". Having made the frame, you simply encircle it with siding, well, inside you can again use any insulation materials, such as chipboard or drywall. Of course, such a lightweight garage is suitable only for summer car maintenance.