As soon as spring comes, and the first insects appear, they immediately become the main food for fish. These are grasshoppers, spiders, flies, gadflies, moths and others. But in order to catch fish for such a bait, it still needs to be properly presented. Since the fish feeds in the upper layers of the water, it is impossible to come close to it, as it immediately notices the fisherman and hides.
When fishing on a river with a good course, such tackle as a boat cannot be better suited for these purposes. It allows you to deliver the bait to almost any distance from the coast without the slightest noise. At the same time, it is possible to catch even such cautious fish as ide, asp and chub.
A few words about how this gear works.
Many fishermen are wondering how this tackle can masterfully move away from the coast. In fact, everything is simple here and this is a common physical phenomenon. First of all, the tackle must be buoyant, so it is made of wood or foam. And the secret why the boat is floating lies in its geometry. Due to the angles on the sides of the boat (or it can be a rudder), water pressure is created by the current, it then pushes the boat from the coast. If the boat is rotated 180 degrees, then on the contrary it will sail to the shore.
You can catch using a boat from a boat. An important point here is the presence of a current. And the stronger the current, the further the boat can sail. Also, such a boat can sail in the presence of waves.
Materials and tools:
- two planks, 12 and 14 cm (preferably beech or oak);
- ruler;
- two studs with nuts with a diameter of 6 mm;
- building bracket;
- drill;
- screws;
- two lead plates for loading.

Manufacturing process
Step one. Cut out the base of the boat
The basis of the boat will be two boards, in the end they form two sides of the boat. Boards need to be cut so that two identical trapezoid are formed. The lateral sides of the sides must necessarily have cuts. It is thanks to this cut that a difference in pressure will form, and the boat will sail away from the shore.

Step Two Side connection
In the next step, two holes should be drilled in both boards. It is best to lay one board on another and thus drill holes. In this case, they will be symmetrical, and the boat will be even. To connect the sides, the author used studs. It is important that the diameter of the studs clearly matches the diameter of the drill or the drill is even slightly smaller. In this case, there will be no play in the connection, and the structure will be strong.
Then a stud is inserted into both boards and nuts are screwed on both sides.
When connecting the boards, it is important that the slices on their end parts look one way. These are the rudders of a ship.

Also at this stage, you need to drill another hole and attach the bracket. It will be fastened with a bolt and nut. It is for him that the boat will subsequently become attached.
Step Three Ship unloading
The ship must be loaded, otherwise it will not work properly. It is necessary to ensure that no more than 2-3 cm of the boat is visible from the water. Lead plates can be used for loading. They are attached to the end of the sides with screws, nails, screws or glue.

Step Four Launch boat
It is best to send the boat the way with the help of the old spinning from duralumin, and the Nevskaya is excellent as a reel. The monofilament fishing line is used with a diameter of 0.3 cm, and the length can be about 150 meters. The fishing line is attached to the bracket, a carbine with a swivel is excellent for these purposes.
Further, at a distance of about 5-6 meters from the boat, you can knit leashes, their discreteness should be 2.5 m.
The length of the first leash should be within 35 cm, and the second 50 cm. The length of the leashes is regulated depending on what is the height of the shore at the place of fishing. As for the hooks, it already depends on the fish, on average this is 7-8 number.

How to catch using a boat
Hooks should be flies, beetles, or bait can be replaced with artificial flies. Next you need to go to the river and lower the boat into the water. Immediately after a little tension, the ship will begin to sail. Now it remains only to unwind the fishing line until the boat sets sail for the desired distance from the coast.
The bite is determined visually, it also feels like a blow on a spinning rod. Having made a cut, you can start gradual survival. To attract the attention of fish, bait must be periodically raised from the water, and then lowered.
For successful fishing, it remains only to correctly determine the location of the fish and present it with bait.