Today, linoleum is one of the most popular types of flooring among Russians. It is quite inexpensive and at the same time is a durable, unpretentious material that does not require much personal care. Today, a large number of linoleum types are sold in Russian stores, which differ in characteristics and appearance. For apartments and country houses, the most popular is linoleum with various patterns. Due to the fact that such linoleum is relatively inexpensive, today almost every apartment repair involves replacing linoleum, and if it comes to construction, laying linoleum is simply necessary before gluing the wallpaper and performing many other repairs.
When choosing linoleum, it is worth paying attention to the fact that since July 2010 it does not require a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, but at the same time by decision of the Commission Customs union No. 299 linoleum must be subject to sanitary and epidemiological control.
If you started repairs in your apartment, then you can remake linoleum do it yourself. To do this is quite simple, and if you do all the operations carefully, the result will be no worse than if you invited a professional team.
So, globally laying linoleum consists of the following steps. First you need to lay out all the sheets of linoleum with the pattern up and cut it, based on the maximum size of the room. It should be noted that according to the rules for laying linoleum, its pattern should be parallel to the wall. After unfolding linoleum on the floor, the material should be applied to all the walls with a steel ruler and carefully cut using small incisions. In this case, it is imperative to ensure that there is no bending of linoleum and it does not lie close to the wall.
As for the location of the pattern on linoleum, it should coincide on the edges of the sheets to create the integrity of the picture.The process of laying linoleum with a picture can go in two ways, in each of which you should first carefully trim all the edges.
The essence of the first method is that after trimming the edges, smear the completely seamy side of the first sheet with mastic and glue it. After that, after 2-3 days, the adjacent edge of the second sheet is glued (in this case, only a width of 15-20 centimeters is glued, and the rest remains untouched). These edges are pressed to the floor and left again for 2-3 days. After this, the entire sheet should be glued. If you need to glue three sheets of linoleum, then for starters the middle sheet is glued and loaded. After that, after a couple of days, the edges of the side sheets are glued, which are also completely glued after a couple of days.
The essence of the second method is that first they are glued to a width of 15-20 centimeters of the edge of all mating paintings. After this, linoleum is left to set for a couple of days, after which you can proceed to the rest of the sheets of linoleum. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that the pattern of the paintings matches.
In total, it will take about a week to fully glue linoleum, but you should not hurry and get ahead of events, since only in this case you will prevent the formation of cracks and swelling, which occurs due to the fact that linoleum can change its geometric dimensions.