One author came up with a very interesting option, how to make a robot using any mobile phone. For these purposes, a minimum of materials and knowledge will be required, and there are also no restrictions in terms of appearance and design features. Such a robot can be done by anyone at home.
Materials and tools:
- any mobile phone with a working "vibrator";
- thin steel wire or paper clip;
- sponge;
- soldering iron;
- pliers.

Manufacturing process:
Step one. Production of structural components
You need to take wire or large paper clips and bend them along the contour of the mobile phone. The result should be a frame on which the phone can confidently lie. An example is a clamshell phone.

Step Two Frame assembly
When the components are ready, you can start assembling. The frame is assembled by twisting the wire using pliers. For ease of cutting, you can use a sponge. The wire simply sticks into the sponge, and then it can be easily cut to any size.

Step Three We attach legs and test the robot
Feet need to be soldered to the frame. Then, using a soldering iron on the ends of the legs of the robot, you need to make small balls, they are needed in order to robot glided over the surface. Also, the legs can simply be gently bent at the ends with pliers.
To make the robot more interesting, it is possible to solder a mustache and so on, here everything depends on the imagination.

For the robot to start working, you need to put a phone on it with the vibrator turned on. In this case, the robot will begin to move smoothly around the table, tremble and move a mustache.