Each summer for owners of personal plots brings a lot of trouble. At the same time, work in the garden takes a lot of time. Obviously, such work very often is aimed not only at obtaining direct economic benefits in the form of savings on the cultivation of products, but also acts as an active holiday. But in any case, if there is a garden and is used for its intended purpose, then you have to work a lot.
All work on garden can be divided into several large groups. The first group includes work related to tillage. This may be plowing, harrowing, hilling beds and others. Work with soil is the most important, since it is precisely on its condition that the productivity and quality of crops that are grown on the plot depend. Moreover, a rather big problem is that, as a rule, there are small opportunities for crop rotation, which depletes the soil. Therefore, you have to use all the available features of the sites. The most important is the ability to maintain the fertile layer in good condition.
The next group of works is directly related to the cultivation of plants. It all depends on the skill of the owner of the site and his knowledge. Recently, there has been a tendency to automate many processes. First of all, it concerns the processes of watering plants, harvesting, etc. In this case, you can use a variety of possibilities. For example, you can purchase watering devices in stores for gardens and orchards, electric braids and other equipment.
However, it should be noted that, unlike large-scale agricultural production, a significant part of the work still has to be done manually. So, weeding the beds, the fight against parasites are quite complicated in an automated mode. Although there may be some options.
In general, it can be noted that the work in the garden, if they are correctly built, can bring not only care, but also real pleasure.