The all-terrain vehicle created by the author for simple pokatushek, special purposes, except entertaining he does not. Although in the future, the author does not exclude the possibility of modernization for various whims. In addition, at the moment, this machine is capable of not only moving on land, but also swimming.
Materials involved in creating this all-terrain vehicle:
1) Engine from oki
2) gearbox from the Dnieper
3) Vazovskaya classic gave a differential.
4) On-board brakes and gears from the ATV.
5) The wheels are also removed from the ATV 25 12.5 12.
6) grip from 2101
7) Brakes from 2108
8) Chains with a pitch of 19.5 German production.
The maximum speed of the all-terrain vehicle is about 40 km per hour.
Consider the construction of the all-terrain vehicle and the problems faced by the author.
To begin with, the author decided to prepare the wheelbase for the all-terrain vehicle.
The drive from 2121 was used, from which the SHRUS glass was separated. As a result, a shaft with an end part was obtained, to which the flange of the VAZ hub was welded, and there holes were already made for mounting the wheels. Then all the elements were machined on a lathe. The shafts of the leading stars, like the brake discs, are fastened with ordinary wheel bolts.
A bearing was made from the semi-axis of the Niva for connecting with the slots of the stars and the semi-axis. As a clip, part of the bridge of the same Niva is involved. Below is a photo of the parts before assembly:

Then the author began assembling the frame.
First stage:
The bottom of the frame is made:
Differential set:
Dashboard made:
Then there was work with the flywheels. They are lightweight. Of these, brake discs are made by grooving to the required thickness. The brake discs are quite flat due to the car's layout specifications.
Two gearboxes were made, the material was an old bridge from a classic VAZ.
After trial trips, it was also decided to lower the gear ratio from the differential by 2.5. After which the author proceeded to install the gearbox and began the final work on the transmission and wiring.
The main problems with the side turn on the differential are the difficulty of turning in place and the resource of the differential itself.
The turn is easier to carry out on gas, since on the spot it requires considerable effort. Therefore, the author proceeded to solve this problem. The differential was brewed and one side was unhooked, thanks to this the machine became easier to drive.Even with the first gear on the spot, the all-terrain vehicle turns with ease, so it was decided to abandon the side turn due to the differential in favor of more convenient handling.
before that there was four satellite, which was made from a self-blocking disc.
However, the new rotation scheme also showed flaws. In the transmission, housing bearings with a cast-iron housing were involved, this same housing was not designed for overload and burst during a sharp maneuver.
Therefore, the author decided to replace a similar case with steel. The author advises to be especially careful about the selection of bearings. In the light of all the alterations that were made, the transmission scheme is very complicated: the gearbox is attached to the engine, then it is divided into two clutches from the vases 2110 with stars and chains, then there is a gear from the vases 2101, in which differentials are welded, each of which has brakes on the left and starboard. the control itself is implemented due to the working cylinder from the VAZ 2101 with a vacuum amplifier.

However, despite the apparent complexity of the design, the control itself has become much easier, to catch the clutch moment is certainly hard, but on the go it does not cause problems.
The eye engine is installed with its own clutch and gearbox, and then there is a transition to the Dnieper gearbox, and from the 2101 bridges gearboxes lowering by 3.5 have turned out, then they have an onboard drive.
The master cylinders were replaced with 2108, to facilitate clutch operation.
Of course, the Dnieper gearbox has a lot of effort, but when driving 30-35 km and engine speeds under 3000, it stays on.
The chains are imported and durable, were ordered from Moscow at a price of a thousand per meter.
As for the dimensions of the all-terrain vehicle:
160 cm wide
It is long 280 cm
The weight of the car is up to 600 kilograms, but you can throw it off if you wish, since there have been no work on saving in this regard.
Since the body is hermetically sealed, the all-terrain vehicle is able to overcome water barriers, although the speed is not quite high, since the wheels are small. In addition, a rather large clearance was made about 45 centimeters to the bottom, so the wheels on the water are quite high and row weakly, but if you reduce the clearance, there will be problems with movement on the track.
Separately pleased with the reliability of the car, even with the breakdown of one single side, this all-terrain vehicle continues to drive almost straight, which does not cause inconvenience to the driver.
Dismantling the entire transmission to get to damaged elements is unnecessary, and replacing the clutch, for example, may take only half an hour.
Over 300 km of operation, only two failures were noticed.
The fan on sensor failed, but in this case the author prudently installed a forced on / off switch.
And also during snow cleaning with a bucket, the drive sprocket was damaged, it simply could not withstand the load of snow + bucket weight during a sharp maneuver.
By the way, here is the same bucket that was made by the author for an all-terrain vehicle:
For himself, the author made the following conclusions:
In the future, it is worth seriously considering the possibility of facilitating an all-terrain vehicle, as this will greatly reduce the load on the chassis.
Sometimes there are problems with the chains, unfortunately it has not yet been possible to find out the reason.
Some joints were made with excessive safety margin, and in particular, it is with them that it is worth starting the all-terrain vehicle relief. Although even so, the engine power is enough.
Perhaps you should put the variator, but for this you need to take the gearbox from an imported ATV model. Again, in order to save weight, it is worth revising the gearbox scheme, since the bridges from the VAZ are quite heavy.
The installation of tracks, especially will not play on the cross, as the all-terrain vehicle is quite nimble.
Video test machine:
The all-terrain vehicle is assembled and after the author rolls on it, it plans to sell it in order to start a new project, as well as make a gift to his wife, for supporting him in such an unusual hobby.
The author of the all-terrain vehicle: Michael from the city of Perm with the nickname "mishanya68".