Today, every house has a bathroom in every house; now it’s hard to imagine those times when in order to bathe we needed to warm buckets of water to fill an old but reliable metal basin.
The idea to warm the bathtub arose not just like that, on the eve of winter cold we all love to wallow in a warm bathtub and relax, but unfortunately it happens that our pleasure does not last long, for the simple reason that the water in the bathtub cools down quickly and constantly new hot water in order to maintain a comfortable temperature of the water is very expensive, due to high water tariffs. Let's try to solve this problem and insulate the bath, today we will insulate the metal bath.
The rapid heat loss for a metal bath is one of the biggest drawbacks. Metal bath is the most common model bathtub, which is now used in most houses, and this is justified because the steel bath has such advantages as:
- low cost;
- resistant enamel coating;
- ease of transportation and installation;
- stability of the whole structure.
But all the same, it also has some disadvantages, such as:
- rapid heat loss;
- low noise isolation.
We can eliminate the listed shortcomings do it yourselfspending all the minimum effort and money.
To warm the bath we will need:
- Vibroizol
- polyurethane foam,
- foam gun,
- scotch tape.
Vybroizol is a special material that has been developed for use in the automotive industry. Due to its composition, which includes such components as bitumen and a rubberized base, it perfectly performs the function of a sound absorber.

On the one hand, it has a dense adhesive structure, which allows it to fit easily to any smooth surface.
What areas of the bath to process this material you decide.
I am offering two options:
1. completely treat the entire surface of the bath, which will provide you with complete sound insulation;
2. process only those areas of the bath where the water draining from the tap is in contact with the surface of the bath and that place of the bottom of the bath where your body is in contact with it.

At this stage, the soundproofing of the bathtub is completed, we can proceed directly to its insulation.
We will insulate the bath with the help of mounting foam.
To do this, we need a foam bottle and a foam gun. When choosing a foam, pay attention to the lines of its storage, do not buy foam with an expired shelf life, because when they expire, it loses its properties.
Foam should be applied evenly on a previously prepared surface. If you decide to insulate the newly acquired bath before installing it, then for convenience turn your bath upside down and before you start applying foam, do not forget to degrease the surface.

It is important to apply the mounting foam evenly, while forming a single layer without gaps.
Before applying foam, I advise you to warm the bottle under a stream of warm water, then the foam output will be the largest and most economical. Please note that the siphon area must not be covered with foam.

After performing all the insulating operations, our bath does not look very presentable, but this issue can be solved with the help of decoration. To do this, we need to make a frame with a metal profile around the bath, and then sew it with plastic or plasterboard of your choice.

I recommend doing this with plastic, it does not need additional processing and the range of colors for panels with plastic is simply huge. You can pick up a drawing of any subject and even play with flowers, it turns out, for example, here is such a wonderful bottom,

Or here are a couple of options for design

A big plus of plastic is its practicality in operation.