As always closer to winter, everyone asks about warming their windows for the winter, and you need to do this as a rule, as long as the frost has not yet hit. Since it is through the windows that a large amount of heat is expelled, and a cold wind enters through the cracks.
Materials used:
It all depends on your choice of how you prefer and do it.
- Tubular profiles
- Gaskets (foam, rubber, polyethylene foam)
- Newspapers (tow or cotton)
- Paraffin
- Window putty (or oil paint)
- Film or polyethylene
First of all, it’s worth deciding where to start. If you are not the owner of double-glazed windows, but have wooden frames in your apartment, then the question of window insulation arises every year. Especially if the frames are quite old, since replacing old windows with new double-glazed windows is quite expensive. And the tree has the property of drying out and warping, because of this, the gaps between the windows and the glass itself are becoming larger. Sealing with paper or plugging with cotton wool such cracks will not help much, and cold air will still get into the apartment.
Next, the turn is worth inspecting the windows, and pay attention to the gaps between the glass and the window binding, they can be greased with a special putty. Putty can be replaced with oil paint, which also copes well with the task of thermal insulation. Ideally, of course, he will acquire new glazing beads in replacement of the old.
Newspaper insulation
Using newspapers is perhaps the most budgetary and oldest way that we inherited from dads or grandfathers. But no one says that the method is ineffective. The newspaper is folded into a tube, which should be slightly larger in size than the gaps between the leaves. These rolls are placed vertically with the window open close to each other, after which the frames must be closed. The material can be replaced with tow or cotton.
A white cloth is glued on top of these and other cracks, which must first be moistened with water and soaped. The soap solution in this design serves as an additional insulator. In spring, the fabric can be easily removed simply by wetting it with water.

Foam insulation
This type of insulation can be bought at any hardware store, it is quite inexpensive and practical. All cracks are simply clogged with foam, and glued with strips of fabric on top.
Quite simply and again, an economical way to take care of your warmth in winter. All that is required is ordinary paraffin candles. The candle must be melted in a water bath, hot material is drawn into a syringe for convenience, and then simply poured into the cracks. The cooled paraffin is a reliable barrier to cold in your apartment.
Film insulation
There is also nothing complicated in this method. A special film is used or what is at hand. The film closes the entire window and fastens around the perimeter. This method is more popular for summer cottages.
Tubular profile insulation
This type of insulation is a little more complex and modern. This type of gasket is self-adhesive and without an adhesive base. Choose the one that will be more convenient for you to use. However, it is worth remembering that when choosing a non-adhesive profile, you will additionally need a sealant. The gasket is glued along the inner perimeter of the frame as in the photo. The advantage of this method is the ability to open windows at any time of the year, as well as the durability of this type of insulation.