The all-terrain vehicle the author intended to ride mainly along forest routes, as well as swamps and peat bogs. This approach is due to the fact that the main purpose of the all-terrain vehicle is hunting trips. Therefore, special attention was paid both to the reliability and power of the all-terrain vehicle, but also to a good system of silencers, in order to get closer to the hunting spots.
When building this all-terrain vehicle, the following mechanisms and materials were involved:
1) Wheels of size 1100 * 400 * 533, lightweight.
2) The gearbox from the VAZ 2106 4 in the amount of two pieces.
3) gear from the VAZ 2103,
4) Lifan 190 FD internal combustion engine (15 hp)
5) belt friction
6) driven pulleys
7) Neva walk-behind tractor.
8) Prof. pipe of various sizes.
9) the hub of the WHA.
Consider in more detail the stages of the construction of the machine:
To begin with, the author began preparing the wheels for his all-terrain vehicle:
New pulleys are installed, as well as wheels mounted on the frame:
The peculiarity of the roller drive is that the scheme is not picky about the size of the wheels, that is, even when installing unequally stripped tires, the all-terrain vehicle will still go straight and will not even slip. The only thing that matters in such a drive is the size of the roller itself.
And here by the way how the frame of the car was made:
The basis was a 40 by 80 by 3 pipe, jumpers are made of a 40 by 40 by 3 pipe, and the body itself is 20 by 20 by 2.
The rear hubs from the VAZ 2108 were used and R13 wheels were also delivered. In the cage are two 202nd bearings.

Here is the front door:
The rollers were wrapped in iron, for this a barrel was used, and a goose from a snowstorm was also screwed:
Prof. pipe attached to the landing 533:
Turns the all-terrain vehicle perfectly.

Then the author proceeded to the choice of a muffler. It was important to choose a fairly quiet one so that it was possible to drive up close to the hunting spots, but at the same time, the muffler should not strangle the engine. It was decided to install Buranovsky, and scald the attachment points of the casing.
After the first tests of the machine, a serious flaw was revealed. The all-terrain vehicle pulls to the left, this is especially noticeable in higher gears. Since the drive is roller, the point is most likely not in the dimension of the wheels. The speed in 3rd gear of the all-terrain vehicle is about 20 km per hour.
Gear shifting is quite simple, turns on on two boxes and that's it. From the first it starts off easily, but from the third only out of the blue.The only problem is switching from third to fourth gear, as the author simply does not have time.
On the forest route, the speed was lower, on the third 12 km per hour, on the fourth 17. About 5 liters of fuel took twenty kilometers of the way. When overcoming a water barrier in the form of a river, a drawback was revealed: since the wings are narrow, snow and water from the roller were thrown directly into the side doors. Therefore, it is planned to increase wings in order to avoid a similar problem.
By the way, about gear shifting: it turned out that synchronous shifting is not required, since in an hour and a half you can already get used to shifting gears manually. Moreover, with this approach, the reliability of the structure is higher and it is quite convenient to turn.
The roller does not become clogged when moving with dirt or snow.
The mass of the all-terrain vehicle turned out to be about 1200 kilograms. There was an idea to make an off-season caterpillar for this all-terrain vehicle, but so far the author has not done this, since in the second gear the all-terrain vehicle easily goes through any swamps.

There is also an important detail: the width and overall dimensions of the frame strongly depend on what size of the wheels will be installed on the all-terrain vehicle. In this embodiment, everything was done under the wheels of 1100 to 400, and others will no longer fit, since the disks are made without departure and all the hubs are on the same level as the wheels and the axles.
From the turning work, holes were made for the hubs, two cages for the gearbox supporting the primary shaft.
This is how cardan shafts are made:
Made fairly simple. Vazovsky bagel, the plug is the same as with the gearbox welded to the flange, and then a piece of the splined shaft of the bridge is inserted and scalded, directly between the flange and the fork. This is necessary for centralization and reliability of the structure.
The holes were made for a hub measuring 8 mm, that is, for the bolts that will hold this hub. Everything is done quite qualitatively and the main details are protected by covers, and therefore nothing should freeze or get dirty very much. An all-terrain vehicle easily goes uphill on a gravel road, it lacks both engine power and traction. Although it’s still planned to install the engine more powerful, since the mass of the all-terrain vehicle exceeds the calculated one.
The final stage of construction was the installation of a new engine on this all-terrain vehicle. This time the Lifan V2 engine was installed, this greatly influenced the all-terrain driving style for the better. It’s practically at idle to start moving with such an engine; The same situation when overcoming water barriers, the engine simply does not feel the load compared to the old one. Even 40 centimeter puddles are easily overcome in third gear.
Surprisingly, the two-cylinder engine runs even quieter than the single-cylinder engine that was installed earlier, which is also a very positive factor.
Photos of the off-road vehicle:

The author of the all-terrain vehicle: Igor from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, Berezovsky district, the village of Saranpaul with the nickname "balu".