All terrain vehicle on tires of low pressure Trekol. The all-terrain vehicle is designed so that it feels great not only on land, but also on water. Initially, the all-terrain vehicle was going to participate in competitive tests conducted for all-terrain vehicles, so the main thing for the author during the assembly was the emphasis on the survivability of the all-terrain vehicle and the ability to continue driving even with serious breakdowns. However, despite this, the car still underwent modernization more than once, especially strong changes occurred after serious breakdowns. More detailed information is described in the middle and at the end of the article.
Materials and parts used in the construction of this machine:
1) Bridges from UAZ
2) Internal combustion engine from Oka
3) gearbox from oki
4) transfer case from Niva
5) TLC120 steering rack
6) pump gora from Audi
7) Pipe 89 mm
Consider in more detail the stages of construction of an all-terrain vehicle.
To begin with, a frame was made of longitudinal pipes 89 mm in size, and then all-terrain vehicle bridges were installed on the frame:

The stocking of the bridge is made of cast iron, it was grooved and fixed with a steel coupling, the frame of the all-terrain vehicle was already welded to the steel coupling:

Work was done on the bridges from the UAZ. Differentials are pre-welded, brake drums are dismantled, as well as excess is cut off in order to facilitate.
The gearbox was modified with a differential; for this, a roller and a flange from the Niva steering column were mounted.
After the main work on installing the units on the machine, its patency was tested. The all-terrain vehicle feels great off-road, and is also able to swim across water obstacles. It immerses in water along the lower section of the disk with the rear axle, while the front water does not touch the stockings of the bridge. Thus, if the all-terrain vehicle is not overloaded, then it floats above the axis of the wheels.
An all-terrain vehicle is capable of speeds of up to 36 km / h on asphalt.
Thanks to the large tires, the all-terrain vehicle feels great in marshy terrain as well, when moving into a ditch, the front axle does not sink. The engine does not overheat, the fan turns on for 40 seconds every two minutes, this is when using a radiator from Oka.
True, when the gas is discharged, the motor may stall, although the injector fulfills preventing the motor from completely stalling. the reason for this engine behavior was not immediately obvious to the author.
Then the author proceeded to paint the car.It was necessary to paint the all-terrain vehicle, since the pedal assembly, steering column had already begun to rust, although this did not happen on standard cars, apparently strong contact with dirt and water affected.

Further, the author decided to do the all-terrain vehicle suspension. The suspension does not hinder the all-terrain vehicle, since at speeds greater than 10 km per hour on strong dirt roads there is no comfort when driving at all. To begin with, the author decided to tackle the front axle of the all-terrain vehicle, below you can see the work done on the suspension:

Due to wet weather, it started to fail electronics mounted on an all-terrain vehicle. Therefore, the author decided to rework all the electronics of the all-terrain vehicle, in particular, he enclosed the dashboard with all the devices in a sealed box:

so it looks on an all-terrain vehicle:

During some tests, the bridge of the all-terrain vehicle was severely damaged, or rather, the right lower king pin was cut off, but the all-terrain vehicle was able to move even according to the 2 by 4 scheme, which shows its unusual survivability.
Another of the failures was the following: part of the front hub was shot from the right wheel, it happened on a dirt straight road. A propeller shaft between the motor and the transfer case was also torn. With a sharp maneuver, the Nivov front propeller could not withstand the entire load and broke down the spline.
For these reasons, a large-scale repair of the all-terrain vehicle was made, in particular, damaged units were removed, the all-terrain vehicle was put on a jack and the author proceeded to replace parts.

There was a lot of work, the rear axle was rebuilt, since the differential was broken. The axles on the front axle are torn and one hub has been cut off. That is, in fact, the entire transmission was damaged due to which the all-terrain vehicle lost its ability to move.

The front differential case was replaced, the rear axle was revised and cut bolts of the axle shaft to the hub were found. it was decided to eliminate this vulnerability by implanting the axles from the lands of the cruiser into the bridges from the UAZ.
Such an upgrade will significantly increase the reliability of the rear axle. Since the minimum diameter of the inner part of the slots of the UAZ semiaxes is 26.3 mm, and the diameter in the same place is TLC80 30.6 mm, the axle shaft from the cruiser will enter with a minimum clearance. The length of the short axis of the cruiser is longer by 15 mm than the length of the axis of the UAZ.
It was also decided to remove the track spacers, and to install two long axles instead. This will also facilitate the removal and installation of the rear wheels of the all-terrain vehicle, as well as relieve the load from the wheel bearings.
To install two long axes, the author needed to lengthen the stocking by 7 centimeters, as well as shift the bridge by 75 mm relative to the standard position. For these purposes, a 93 to 12 pipe was used. A differential case was machined to fit the axial gears under the satellites. The ends of the bridges were bored to 30 mm in the thread of tightening the wheel bearings.
Photos of the off-road vehicle:

The author of an all-terrain vehicle under the nickname "mmcl200" on the Lunokhod website.