This all-terrain vehicle originally designed by the author as model all-terrain tractor with the highest clearance, as well as the ability to install tires from 27 and above. That is why this ATV turned out to be so wide, the same explains the choice of a similar transmission scheme. The author had a peculiar approach to the construction of this car, he did not look for similarities with the original models of ATVs, but wanted to create such an all-terrain vehicle that was both convenient and maneuverable, but at the same time it had to be powerful and reliable. The choice of units used in the all-terrain vehicle entirely came from the project budget.
Materials and assemblies used in the construction of this all-terrain vehicle:
1) The engine and gearbox were taken from a Ural motorcycle, as motorcycle It has excellent features and parts are very cheap.
2) generator from Mazda
3) as an electric starter a crown from a snowstorm
4) a starter from Toyota 3S-FE was also used
5) transfer case from Mitsubishi Pajero mini
6) the rear axle from Moskvich 412
7) rear struts from Nissan Primera
8) Hubs front Muscovite 412
9) electric power steering from Chevrolet Cruze
10) fan from the air conditioner Toyota Corolla 100
11) one and a half ton removable winch
12) rubber tire double layer
13) the front hub Muscovite 2141
14) profile pipe
15) Muscovite 2141 drives
Let us consider in more detail the stages of construction and the completion of all-terrain vehicle components.
To begin with, a frame from a profile pipe was welded, the design was made as reliable as possible, regardless of weight.
The engine was modified by a contact transistor ignition system. The gearbox remained unchanged.
A differential was welded on the rear axle from Muscovite 412, and the front axle was redone for Muscovite 2141 drives. The rear axle was designed on an A-lever, and the rear pillars were shifted closer to the gearbox, this was done to create the maximum “fall out” of the bridge.
The front suspension was also made using A-shaped levers, where the hubs from the Muscovite 2141 were converted to ball.
The electric power steering from the Chevrolet was converted to a motorcycle type. moreover, the electric power control unit was made by the author on his own, forced air cooling was also organized so that the engine did not overheat even at high loads.
Regarding the gear ratios of the all-terrain transmission: from the gear unit between the gearbox and the transfer case, there is a coefficient of 1.5, to the gearboxes of the axles 4.22, from the transfer case 1.2 upshift and 2.2 downshift.
The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a removable winch whose power is one and a half tons, which allows you to get the all-terrain vehicle from any place on your own.
In more detail about the gear block: the shaft of the gearbox is mounted on the forks of the secondary shaft of the gearbox on two bearings that are rigidly welded to the frame of the all-terrain vehicle. on the flange of the transfer case there is a ratio of 1 to five, all gears were ordered from professional turners and made with heat treatment. When using reverse gear transfer case is experiencing severe stress, but can withstand. The reverse was upside down.
The electric power steering from the Euro-Chevrolet Cruz Suzuki Ingis was disassembled and the torsion bars were welded, since the shaft was originally flexible. After welding the torsion bar, the standard control unit refused to work, so a small electric motor was connected on top of the steering shaft via a boost gear. When turning the steering wheel, this electric motor works behind the generator and sends a signal to the relay, and the relay already sends a command to the power steering engine itself.
With a smooth turn, the amplifier does not turn on, and when a sharp maneuver is triggered. When standing in place, the force required to turn the wheels is no higher than on standard motorcycles, that is, the turn is very easy. In addition, at speeds, the amplifier has the ability to turn off, which is also quite convenient.
In order to prevent branches or stones from falling into the gears, they were covered with a casing, and the joints were sealed with vibroplast. It is also crammed inside with SHRUS, so the wear of the gears is very weak and there are no problems with them. For two years of operation, the author did not change them, since this simply was not required.
There were difficulties with the load cell, the author even resorted to the help of electronic engineers in order to come up with a control circuit, but the circuit turned out to be very complicated and cumbersome, and the author relies primarily on the reliability of the machine and the ease of repair in any conditions. Therefore, it was decided to abandon this scheme. Instead, a motor was made with a reducer from an ecorin chemistry dispenser, it was chosen as it was available from the author, that is, the circuit is made of material that was at hand. Two relays with five volt windings and two power relays from Toyota were also used. The circuit turned out to be very simple and reliable.
The all-terrain vehicle was equipped with tires Shaina lightweight to two layers:
But this is how the bipod of an all-terrain vehicle looks like:

Below are photos of the finished off-road vehicle:
The author of the all-terrain vehicle: with the nickname "alex piroff" from the city of Irkutsk.