And so, let's get started.
Box (suitable sizes)
Magnifying glass
Black paint
Glue (PVA or hot glue)
As well as the tools that will be needed during the work (scissors, brush, stationery knife, etc.)
1 step. First of all, we need to find the box, it will serve as the projector body. I took this one from the phone.
2 Step. The next step is to paint the box black inside, thereby, we will improve image quality and avoid glare. I used gouache, because it is thicker than watercolor, and it is better, in a thicker layer, to lie on the surface of the box.
Having painted the box, we are waiting for it to dry.
3 Step. After the box has dried, in the front, in the middle, you need to cut a hole corresponding to the diameter of the lens. I had such a lens, but after some experiments, I decided to install a lens from an old projector for filmstrips. Because the image quality turned out better, and the range has increased markedly.
4 Step. Next, you need to stick the lens to the hole, convex side, out. But I didn’t have to do anything because the lens was holding tight.
5 Step. Now, you need to put the phone inside the box. And to keep him, you need to make a stand for him. Here, I can’t say exactly how, and what to make it from, because it depends on your box. I got a sweat such mount:
I cut it out of a small box.
Terrible happened, right?
Well, you yourself can figure out how to do it, or look on the Internet.
6 Step. Now there is not much left. To get started, you need to install the projector in front of the screen. It can be anything: a wall, a white whatman, or a white cloth. Then put the phone in the stand and the stand in the projector.To adjust the clarity, simply move the stand forward or backward to achieve the desired result. My projector can be at a distance of 2-2.5 meters or more. If the picture is upside down, then flip the phone. Well, if you do not see the image, then turn off the light: wink:
Projector work.
And now, you can see photos about the operation of the projector. In this case, the image is displayed on a white Whatman.
like in a movie theater, and also you can surprise your friends. Thank you for your interest in my article.