The author has created not just all-terrain vehicle, and a universal modular platform based on the Neva walk-behind tractor. The essence of universality is that this model can be used as an all-wheel drive tractor, to work in the garden, but as well as an all-wheel drive all-terrain vehicle. This was achieved due to a certain transmission scheme, where each wheel of the all-terrain vehicle can be connected separately. Also, the all-terrain vehicle has a structural type, which means easy installation of different types of rubber, as well as additional parts in the form of a lower subframe, trunk, hood, rear body.
Also, a winch is installed above the body in the rear of the all-terrain vehicle, which serves to front and rear hitching equipment to the all-terrain vehicle.
Materials and assemblies used in the construction of this all-terrain vehicle:
1) Lifan 177 engine with electric start.
2) Electric winch
3) Yak-40 tires peeled
4) un -184 tires
5) Porsche wheels with a radius of 20
6) disks with a radius of 19
7) Ural motorcycle wheels
In more detail about the used schemes of knots and design of the all-terrain vehicle.
To begin with, the frame was assembled and all-terrain vehicle bridges were welded:

Lifan 177 engine was installed on the all-terrain vehicle; it consumes about 1.2 liters of fuel per hour.
It is also planned to install a drive pulley on an all-terrain vehicle to increase the speed range.
This is what the extra pulley looks like, one belt at 1180, and the second at 1320:

Also, the all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a separate pressure roller and two clutch pedals. Now on the first there are two belt drives and on the second also two. On large wheels, using fourth gear is certainly not worth it.

But for wheels of smaller diameter, such a scheme fits perfectly. Passing and high-speed characteristics of the all-terrain vehicle were tested; for this, several tens of kilometers of the path were plowed along plowing, bumps, ruts and ditches. Throughout the journey, the all-terrain vehicle has never stalled. the speed in the first gear is 6 kilometers per hour, in the second up to 12 kilometers per hour, in the third 25 and in the fourth you can accelerate more than 35 kilometers an hour, but there are difficulties with handling. To solve this problem, the author added a handbrake and transmission brake.
Further it is planned to install a winch for hitching on an all-terrain vehicle, as well as make an additional gearbox for the active cutter.
And here is a photo of the installed handbrake with a brake disc brake:

In winter, unfortunately, an all-terrain vehicle demonstrates not such excellent cross-country qualities in the snow, as it skids a lot. Perhaps the problem lies in the peculiar design of the all-terrain vehicle drive, where the constantly driving wheel is only front right, and the rest are turned on as necessary, but since this design is central for the versatility and use of the all-terrain vehicle in economic work, the drive is not subject to change.
Below is a video of the all-terrain vehicle tests:
Such a breakdown occurred when trying to turn around with all-wheel drive on hard ground.

A hot finger was installed, and it was decided to include all-wheel drive, only in cases of slipping of the front axle.
Also, from small breakdowns, the chain was broken, it could not withstand the load, the author decided to replace it with a reinforced or double-row one. A chain of 25 was installed, it can cope with the loads when slipping even with all four wheels on asphalt, although during such tests the keys on the CV joint were broken, so they will also be replaced by red-hot ones.
Of the design upgrades were the following: a traverse was attached under the shovel for snow removal, as well as under the mower for mowing lawns. And on the back was a trapezoid for hilling and digging potatoes.
A winch with a capacity of 1350 kilograms was mounted, with a large margin, since the weight of the all-terrain vehicle itself turned out to be about 300 kilograms. The winch is designed both for pulling an all-terrain vehicle from especially difficult road conditions, and for lifting the front and rear suspensions. moreover, if one suspension is blocked, then it can work free.
A number of improvements on the pressure rollers were also made, and the mobile hardware was redone to work without keys.
Below are photos of the work of the all-terrain vehicle winch:

And here is a photograph of a tractor version of an all-terrain vehicle prepared for work in the fields:

And here are photos of an all-terrain vehicle with large tires, for off-road raids:

Especially for the all-terrain vehicle, the “friendship” saw mower was made, initially two chains were made to capture 120 mm, however, after the first tests it turned out that it turned out too wide, because of this, large stones, bumps were often touched and there were problems with the chain gathering and chewing grass with a chain. Therefore, the author decided to shorten to 75 mm and it helped a lot. Now the all-terrain vehicle can be operated as a lawn mower:

During the tests of the mower, such a beast was found, which was then released:

The wheels for the tractor model of an all-terrain vehicle were used from a Ural motorcycle, thanks to the large diameter, the processing of the bushes does not hurt and the contact area with the road is sufficient for slipping. For the main all-terrain equipment, 19-diameter wheels were used, based on the wider the better. Rubber was peeled from the Yak-40. The rubber turned out to be high-quality and light, as it is used in aviation, but it does not have a standard landing size, but here the universal qualities of the all-terrain vehicle in replacing parts and assemblies have appeared.
Landing gears were only slightly fitted, but on this type of rubber it is possible to ride even on flat tires. In the future, it is planned to install disks with a radius of 20, and use rubber from IP-184, and besides, the landing there is standard, which facilitates their installation.

One of the most serious failures of an all-terrain vehicle during its operation was falling into an clay trap in which chain tensioners were lost, the front-wheel drive was damaged, the winch bent the articulation unit of the frames, and the motor-block gearbox was also broken. Therefore, the author proceeded to fully repair the machine:

The all-terrain vehicle gearbox was rebuilt, and a number of minor flaws were eliminated in it. In particular, a broken part is replaced.
Chain tensioners have been installed for their best performance:

Here is the cross-country gearbox in the context:

ATV steering photo:

All-terrain vehicle after repair:

The author of an all-terrain vehicle with the nickname "Vlas69" from Krasnodar.