The modern products of furniture enterprises are diverse and crowded with shops. But sometimes you come across the relative uniformity of all this diversity. If not a solid hi-tech, with legs cutting holes in the floor, so the palace furniture, from the nearest gateway. Pompous, florid but stupid like a rake and impractical, like a herring with milk.
For this and for financial reasons, it’s worth trying to make a beautiful, simple, reliable stool, do it yourself.
Using the instructions, gradually, we create a miracle!
Let us take as a basis for pruning a tree of dense species (oak, beech ...) with a thickness of 3-4 cm.
To create a more pronounced texture, you should wet and dry the selected material.
Then we open the bars - nitrobeytsom Sopur.
When sanding parts, use sandpaper of various grain sizes. If there is no experience in such work, it is worth periodically inspecting the fruits of their actions. The degree of grinding, and possibly polishing of the product, depends on your chosen, expected, final result.
We process polished parts with a stain (color is a matter of taste)
We make a primer, and after drying and the final coating of the elements with varnish, on a polyurethane basis - Barpim.
You can perform the necessary drawing of a future product using the sketchbook program. And having little drawing skills, you can do without programs.

The shapes, sizes and colors of the product, you choose based on your tastes and the availability of materials. Taking a drawing as a sample - Fig. 1, you can improvise and a nice folding stool will decorate your life.
In the photo - the stages of work: