For those who have had to work with a soldering iron for quite a long time, the situation with the smoke of the surrounding air is very familiar, and this smoke is not at all safe, it contains a lot of harmful substances. Probably noticed that after about 30 minutes of such work in the air around you hangs such a "Kumar" that even hang an ax. Here, in order to protect yourself from the effects of harmful substances, you are invited to assemble a fairly simple device. It consists of a small 12V-powered fan (suitable for the old system unit), a plastic case suitable for the size of the fan, a 9V Kron battery, a charcoal filter, and a special battery terminal.

When everything you need is ready, you can start assembling the device. Put the fan in the case and mark its boundaries with a marker, this is necessary to determine the boundaries of the windows through which the fan will drive the cleaned air.

Saw the windows on both sides of the case at pre-made marks.

Make a hole in the lower part of the case in the center into which “Krona” will be inserted in the future.

Attach a special terminal to the fan wires, joints for reliable connections, it is necessary to solder and insulate.

Glue the terminal to the fan case and fasten the structure in the case. Insert the battery and make sure the device is working.

If everything is in order, the fan is connected correctly, then proceed to the next step. Cut the carbon filter to the size of the outside of the fan housing.

Install the charcoal filter on the fan on the air intake side and close the cover of the case.

Your device turned out to be quite small-sized and easy to manufacture.

Connect the battery and enjoy the fruits of your labor and clean air while you work.