One more all-terrain vehicle The tipping model was built for hunting and fishing. The all-terrain vehicle is able not only to pass through difficult road conditions, but also to swim across water obstacles. Also in the all-terrain vehicle there are some modifications made specifically for sports competitions on all-terrain vehicles.
The materials and assemblies used in the construction of this model of a critical all-terrain vehicle:
1) Toyota internal combustion engine rated at 90 hp
2) Automatic gearbox
3) hurricane wheels of size 1600 by 500
4) Bridges from the car Niva
5) chain gears
6) inch 24v-1 chain
7) wheel hubs UAZ
Consider in more detail the scheme of the all-terrain vehicle, as well as the construction of its main nodes.
The following is a table of the gear ratios of an all-terrain vehicle:
But it is planned to change the pairs on the gears from 3.9 to 4.44, this is done not only to increase safety, but also for more accurate driving.
A radiator was installed on the steering hydraulics, as well as two additional fans:

An engine with a gearbox for the longitudinal rear axle of the all-terrain vehicle was installed.
From the engine there is a drive through cardans to the gearbox from the field. Brakes are installed on cardan. Both driveshafts are braked by means of a pedal, but if desired, it is possible to brake them separately due to levers. on the drive axles of the Niva gearbox there is a drive sprocket, and on the wheel hubs is a driven sprocket.
After installing the main elements, the author decided to replace the main pairs, below is a photo of the gearboxes:

Then the author began to manufacture wheels for all-terrain wheels:

We used front gears and not the rear axles of the cornfield, because the gearbox is lighter, and due to the flexibility of the gearbox it is possible to install it above the hubs. Thanks to this installation pattern, the bottom of the machine becomes flatter, so the tensioned chains should not cling to any obstacles. In addition, the gearbox was originally prepared for installation and did not require any special work on it.

For cladding, metal 2 mm thick was used. The design of the all-terrain vehicle does not provide a subframe, so the gearboxes are mounted directly to the frame of the all-terrain vehicle. The whole circuit, together with gears and hubs, weighs about 40 kilograms, which is quite small.

Of course, it was possible to make chains inside the frame of an all-terrain vehicle, but then they would take up too much space and the all-terrain vehicle would turn out to be very bulky, which the author did not want. In addition, excess parts reduce the reliability of the all-terrain vehicle.And the semi-axles of the UAZ will add considerable weight to the mass of the car, which will also negatively affect its cross-country ability.
Below is a photograph of the completed all-terrain vehicle fracture assembly:
The fracture unit is made on three hinges, where one of them is floating, that is, it has the possibility of shifting to the right or left relative to the diametrical plane of the all-terrain vehicle. Such a knot scheme provides the ability of the frame to twist. Since the all-terrain vehicle is used not only for hunting and fishing trips, but also in competitions, this detail is very important.
And here is a photo of the completed brakes on the driveshafts:
An abs unit was installed, since without it the automatic gearbox is unstable. In addition, with the abs installed, the speedometer began to show speed. abs sensor costs only one on all four channels.
The control unit is made common, the signal speed with abs.
Minor improvements were made in the appearance of the all-terrain vehicle. The side and rear openings were closed, and a windshield with a cleaner and a washer was also installed. the author also installed a heater in the all-terrain vehicle cabin.
Thanks to such modifications, riding in an all-terrain vehicle has become much more comfortable:

The front wings are mounted in such a way that they cover half the wheel in width.
The author of the all-terrain vehicle: Sergey with the nickname "koh" from the city of St. Petersburg.