Hello to all the inhabitants of our sites, as usual every beginner radio amateur has an idea to do something, but the first thing that usually comes to mind is to assemble an amplifier that is easy to assemble and does not require financial costs. That is why I decided to assemble an amplifier, the main "heart" of which can be extracted from an unnecessary or old TV, I will tell about how to make it in this article.
To assemble a sound amplifier, we need to prepare all the necessary materials, these are:
• TV, unnecessary or just old, keep in mind that in TVs made in the USSR you will not find such an amplifier.
• Soldering iron and everything you need to use it, stand, solder and flux.
• Wires, perfect with the computer's power supply.
• A plug for tulips, such can be found in the radio, DVD player or music center.
• A clip for the wires along which the amplifier-amplified sound will go is also found in most music systems.
• Radiator, I removed from the old vinyl player.
• The power supply from the laptop, the insides will not be needed, but only the case.
• Pliers.
• Two-pin plug, suitable for the diameter of the contact in the unit from the PC.
• Clerical knife for making holes.
After all the details are ready and you have definitely decided that the moment has come when you can make a simple amplifier, you can proceed to the step-by-step assembly.
Step one. As usual, the TV is made in a plastic case, we remove it to get to the board. Attention, before disassembling, unplug the plug from the outlet, not for nothing that high voltage is written on the TV. After the cover is removed, you can consider the board, it has a radiator on it, which is usually made in the form of sheet aluminum, you need to cut the board with scissors for metal or using pliers, leave more than 10 cm around the microcircuit, since the board should remain working.

Step Two In order to make a sound amplifier of yourselves, you need to find information on the Internet on the microcircuit on the Internet, the marking of which is written on it in white letters with a set of numbers, in this case it is the TDA 2611 microcircuit, there is data on it in the datasheet and connection diagram, see on the picture.

It is according to the scheme that we will give the chip a second life.
Further assembly will take place using the circuit shown in the picture.Using a soldering iron, solder a pre-tinned red wire to the 1st leg of the microcircuit, the countdown goes to the right, this wire is a plus of power, minus take the black wire that is soldered to the 6th leg, two of these wires are fixed to the plug.

We figured out the power, now you need to make a sound input, which can be delivered from any player or phone using the plug-jack adapter on one side and a pair of tulips on the other. The entrances under these tulips are soldered to the 7th leg through a resistor mounted on the board at the entrance and the 6th leg.

We make the sound output on the clamps, the wires of which are connected to the track of the 2nd leg of the microcircuit going after the capacitor to 220 microfarads, the second contact goes as in most cases to the minuses.

Part of the electronics of the amplifier is ready, now you need a good noble case with cooling. Without thinking twice, I opted for a power supply for charging the laptop, the case from it seemed to me to be good. Well, let's get started. To begin with, we will dissipate its contents and use a clerical knife to cut holes for tulips and food on one side and on the other to the sound output.
All plugs are attached using hot melt adhesive. At the end, it is necessary to tighten the amplifier microcircuit to the radiator and also fix it to hot-melt adhesive.

The sound amplifier is ready for this, it is powered by 12 volts, so any computer power supply is enough for its operation. Thank you all, successful homemade and new inventions.