This all-terrain vehicle was the third in the account with the author and was collected for various purposes of use: from delivery to hunting or fishing, to transportation of firewood and other heavy loads. The all-terrain vehicle has excellent cross-country performance, and is also able to overcome water barriers. During exploitation, the author discovered vulnerabilities that were not noticeable at first glance. You can read more about them and their elimination in the middle of the article.
Materials, assemblies and parts involved in creating the all-terrain vehicle:
1) Lifan 190 internal combustion engine
2) CVT drive Safari driven Taiga
3) Gearbox from Moskvich car
4) Chain steering box
5) stars for 11 and 27 teeth
6) Bridges from the Niva
7) Wheels Vi-3 lightweight
8) steel wheels
Let us consider in more detail the stages of construction and modernization of the all-terrain vehicle.
The author made a lock to enable third gear on the go:
Was made trailer designed to transport boats.
For the trailer, Khtreyl hubs and disks from Lexus were used, and koloboks from gas-66
Then the author proceeded to install the steering box from the cornfield. The initial gear ratio was 9 to 28, then 1.2 to 2.1 was set. Without a third support, the steering box cannot be shifted, therefore only in neutral gear in an automatic transmission.
After welding the frame and installing bridges, the author proceeded to mount the wheels of the all-terrain vehicle:
Gaps of such width turned out:
Wings were also mounted on pins 15x15, the coil was used standard:
All-terrain vehicle tests were conducted. In five hours, the all-terrain vehicle covered 25 kilometers with stops on difficult road conditions. As it turned out, the Lifan engine is rather weak for wheels of a similar width, especially in the difficult terrain. Hardly given a lot of descents and climbs. Although the concept of a turning all-terrain vehicle does not imply a quick ride. The variator was installed new, it proved to be excellent, thanks to it the all-terrain vehicle is able to smoothly move from low revs and at the same time does not switch up for a long time, thanks to the traction settings. But under load the all-terrain vehicle went into a slip, so it was not possible to test the operation of the variator at full power.
A new scumbag, instead of it from polycarbonate.
The absence of the transfer case does not affect the cross-country ability of the all-terrain vehicle. After replacing the couples with 4.3 and installing the native belt on the variator, the power and patency of the machine significantly increased.
The safari variator has been replaced by a variator Safari-kaur, that is, the same safari, but specifically for a four-stroke engine. Also, a shaft with a landing under the engine was ordered for him.
about this was Safari modified by the author, how and how much I do not know.
The variator was adjusted to a belt of 33 mm.
The steering gearbox was replaced by a gazelle gearbox, thanks to which it was possible to get rid of backlash.
However, the gearbox was not enough for a long time. After four exits, a breakdown occurred: the aluminum cover was torn out. The lid was later replaced by a steel one.
For greater control convenience, a hydraulic power steering from a German combine was installed.
As you can see, the pump hose is attached to the pump with a banjo connection. During the unscrewing of the fastening bolt, a spring fell out of there. Putting e back was problematic. In the order of installation, the bolt then the spring, then the spool of the hydraulic booster did not work properly, so the sequence was changed to the bolt then the spool and then the spring, after which the operation of the amplifier returned to normal. No effort is required to turn the steering wheel at all.
Then the differential in the automatic transmission was disassembled and welded. Gear ratio changed to 21 to 76:
Further, the author began to experiment on installing a more powerful engine and improving the general transmission of an all-terrain vehicle:

The CG10DE engine was brought from Vladivostok. It weighs only 80 kilograms, as it is completely aluminum, has two shafts and a chain. maximum engine power is 58 hp at 6,000 rpm.
Maximum torque 79 N * m at 4000 rpm. The engine type itself is a four-cylinder, 16-valve and has liquid cooling.
Further, regarding the change in gear ratios: first gear 2.861, second 1.5, third 1, fourth goes 0.697, reverse gear 2.31, main gear 76 to 21.
Further, the author decided to install a new engine in an all-terrain vehicle. The front cushion from the VAZ 2110 and the lower right from the VAZ 2108 are also delivered.
Were installed cooling, brakes and steering from a penny. Pedal unit with vacuum cleaner from Rover.
Further, the author proceeded to finishing and fixing works:
A home-made braid was made of two braids from Nissan Mach.
One of the serious failures was the rear axle gearbox, after the failure of which, the author had to return home 20 kilometers on foot.
The axle shaft was also broken when accidentally shifting to reverse gear on the go.
The axle shaft was assembled, for this it was machined and drilled under the Toyota drive. A pancake spacer with studs from Oise was also made:
A radiator was installed from examples 1.8 and a gearbox was connected to it.
Then the author proceeded to decorating:
the height of the all-terrain vehicle was increased, and windows were also made for the exit of hot air from the engine compartment to the side.
ATV Test Video:
Photos of the off-road vehicle:

The author of an all-terrain vehicle with the nickname "gudvin" from the Lenin region.