Every child dreams of having a pirate ship on his playground. The modern market offers a wide range of prefabricated playgrounds made of durable plastic. However, a pirate ship can be made and do it yourselfwhen the necessary materials and tools are available. The site will turn out no worse, besides truly unique. Having carefully estimated the course of work, in accordance with this master class, you can make a pirate site with your own hands.
What you need to prepare to get started:
- boards and beams,
- self-tapping screws, screwdriver,
- paint (blue and brown)
- roulette
- swing and barrel, steering wheel,
- fabric for sail and flag, rope,
- drill, drills, brackets,
- grinding device
Stage 1. Make a drawing of the ship that you will build. Think about where the swing, ladders and other activities for the child will be placed. Calculate based on the materials at your disposal.
Stage 2. Collection of the ship’s skeleton at the place where it will stand. Using the square frame, lock the ship around the perimeter. Fasten the structure with self-tapping screws.
Step 3. Fasten the frame parallel to the lower but higher, from one edge of the frame should expand.
Step 4. Using a jigsaw, cut out parts of the bow of the ship. To bend the boards, you need to moisten them in water (this will make them more elastic) and fasten to the ship. Parts are connected using brackets.
Step 5. After finishing work on the frame of the ship, we begin work on the casing. We fix the deck with metal brackets. This will give her strength.
Stage 6. Under the ship, using the already installed beams as a base, we install a game house. We artificially age the house in this way - we apply blue paint on its walls, previously diluted with water, when the paint dries, we clean it with coarse-grained emery paper.
Stage 7. We make a ladder along which young pirates will climb the ship, the ladder must be equipped with handrails to reduce the likelihood of children falling. A rope will serve as a handrail.
Stage 8.Using the pipe and barrel, make the mast of the ship. The barrel is attached at the top of the mast, before installation, the bottom is cut off and turned over. The fastening of the crossbeam and the flagpole will not cause special difficulties. A sail is attached to the crossbeam. Do not forget to set a pirate flag.
Stage 9. We paint the ship outside in brown.
Step 10. Install the helm, in this case, the wheel from the cart.
Stage 11. The authors of the master class installed a swing and a slide on the site, purchasing them in a store. You can go further and make these elements yourself, it will not be difficult.
The ship is ready, it's time to circumnavigate the adventure!