A variant of a small all-terrain vehicle on the design of tipping frames. Initially, the design of the all-terrain vehicle was considered to be made to order for sale, but the buyer changed his mind and the author model liked it and he decided nevertheless to make it personally for himself. Given that the author loves to go fishing, and the conditions of the tracks in his place of residence leave much to be desired, it is small but reliable all-terrain vehicle would be a great solution.
Materials and assemblies used in the construction of this model of an all-terrain vehicle:
1) Wheels from gas-66 were used, from which part of the layers was removed to facilitate
2) Bridges from the car Muscovite
3) The gearbox from the VAZ 2112.
4) ball backstage from Volkswagen
5) driveshaft from vaz 2105
Let us consider in more detail the main nodes of the all-terrain vehicle.
On the rear axle, it is possible to disconnect it from the gears.
In the gearbox, the differential was pre-welded, and then the box itself was mounted on an all-terrain vehicle and connected to the gears.
For better weight distribution, the author decided to install the engine on the front of the all-terrain vehicle frame. A belt pulley was also made.
Photo of assembled wheels for installation on an all-terrain vehicle:
Then the author took up the bridges of the all-terrain vehicle:
Since in the terrain of operation of the all-terrain vehicle the quality of the road surface is very poor, and somewhere it is completely absent, the author decided to install a gearbox to reduce the maximum speed of the all-terrain vehicle in favor of better traction. and therefore the patency of the car.
The minimum speed for an all-terrain vehicle is very important, since quite often the author has to drive along old plots, where cross-country ability is extremely important and essential.
then the author began work on the transmission of an all-terrain vehicle. From the front axle, which is the main one for the all-terrain vehicle, the transmission goes from the cross to the grenade, then the gearbox, again the grenade and the rear axle disconnect unit, then the grenade located in the turning unit, again two grenades and the rear axle itself.
Two splined bushings were welded, and then a standard half shaft from a classic vase was installed.
The axis itself is mounted on a native bearing and a pulley is on it.
The backstage ball was dismantled from the old Volkswagen, and the driveshaft was taken from the VAZ 2105. during installation, the author paid special attention to the possibility of shifting the lever up and down. The possibility of using an external grenade from an eye automobile instead of a ball was also considered. To do this, you had to cut off the part with the separator and you get something like a ball, the grenade boot is installed on top and the mechanism is assembled. As they say cheap and cheerful.
The author came to the conclusion that just one swivel in the fracture node will not be enough, and this will not provide the necessary reliability.
Therefore, the box with the rotation unit was ideally centered, and a groove 30 mm deep was made between the gears. shock absorbers are also installed on the shaft side of the fracture assembly, which reduce the load on the fracture assembly of the all-terrain vehicle frames. Thus, it was possible to avoid the installation of an additional swivel, since when it is used, a slack is obtained between the splined ones, which leads to poor-quality and unstable inclusion of the rear axle lock.
After the main assembly, the author proceeded to sea trials of the all-terrain vehicle. Below is a video of testing an off-road vehicle in standard conditions for such an area:
during tests, the rear axle was connected only in extreme necessity, and the all-terrain vehicle copes well with only front-wheel drive.
In the process of creation, the author came up with different ideas that he thinks to embody in the future on this all-terrain vehicle. For example, he wants to install a variator and a brake, which will make it easier to change gears on an all-terrain vehicle.
During the tough operation of the all-terrain vehicle, the rear propeller was broken, however, even with only front-wheel drive, the all-terrain vehicle has excellent passability.
All the same, the transmission receives an increased load from different wheel sizes, which depends on tire wear, pressure, etc. There is also a difference in the angular speeds of rotation of the front and rear axles of the all-terrain vehicle. it is possible to establish power circulation through an articulated articulated frame, but this will lead to unwanted steering, so the author refused to create a node in this way.
Deactivation of the bridge is made for particularly long stretches of the car on roads of good quality.
Although, for riding on difficult soils, disabling the bridge is certainly not necessary, since an all-terrain vehicle with a tipping frame and a symmetrical arrangement of the fracture node relative to the bridges. Differential is also not required, therefore, the advantages of such a layout of the bridge appear only on a flat road.
The author of the all-terrain vehicle with the nickname "Lancer" on the site of the moon rovers.