All terrain vehicle has four-wheel drive and a frame of a design of a tipping type based on the steering knuckle from the UAZ.
The front axle of the all-terrain vehicle is equipped with an automatic partial blocking of factory production, therefore, at low speeds of the transmission, two wheels skid on the front. The machine itself is designed for two people.
Materials, parts and assemblies used to build this all-terrain vehicle:
1) A 6.5-liter Chinese-made internal combustion engine, which was subsequently replaced by a 15-horsepower Chinese Greenfield engine with electric starter
2) Safari variator
3) five-speed gearbox from BMW
4) the steering knuckle from the UAZ car
5) grenade from vaz 2109
6) steering rack from vaz 2109
7) the steering column from Ford with steering wheel adjustment.
8) bridges from the car Muscovite 412
9) Trackol wheels are tubeless.
10) seats from the school bus
11) driveshafts from Oise
12) profile pipe
Consider in more detail the main components of the design of the all-terrain vehicle.
Since the Trekol wheels were far from new to the author, with a very worn out tread that would not give sufficient traction, the author decided to install snow chains with spikes on them. The only thing the author was worried about after installing such chains when moving on snow an all-terrain vehicle may be buried, then they will have to be removed

However, after installing such a system and testing the effectiveness of such hooks showed their superiority. Those places where the all-terrain vehicle could not pass before due to lack of lugs, with chains and spikes on the tires, the car drove as if on asphalt.
Here is the shaft with the counterpart of the variator, the design of which was personally developed by the author:

The wheels have a pressure of 100 mmHg. With this pressure, problems only occurred when riding on snowy slopes, when it was necessary to drop to the ground, but it did not work out. There were also problems when traveling on wet snow or on a porridge-like substance like dirt, the installation of chains completely solved the problem.
A 15 liter engine was installed. with., and also put a silencer from Oise. Thanks to this, the all-terrain vehicle began to work much quieter and the noise of the exhaust is almost inaudible.

That's how the disks for the tires of tire were made, in the assembly the whole wheel design weighs 47 kilograms.

A transmission brake was installed, making the installation of brake discs no longer necessary.

A clutch disc was used where clutches with mounts were removed. Thus, only the splined and outgoing attachment beams in the amount of three pieces remained. They were cast along with the spline and were used to center the star on the plane. The star was machined in a lathe under the outer diameter of the spline. Then a spline was installed and fixed by welding to a star.
After installing the structure, the author encountered the problem of slotted play on the shaft, because the slotted in the clutch disc was shorter than the slotted on the shaft. Then the author decided to set the star in the center of the shaft, measured the distance before and after the spline shaft, and then turned dense bushings along the outer diameter of the spline shaft. These bushings are welded to the aligned spline. Thus, the play was eliminated, and the free movement of the star along the splined shaft was also left:

Thanks to the excellent combination of the variator and gearbox, the gears themselves in the car practically do not need to be switched. That is, before the start of movement, the mode of speed and traction dependence is selected, depending on the road surface and conditions. The all-terrain vehicle starts off from any gear quite easily. the engine is not loaded, and when the load increases, the variator simply changes the gear ratio, thereby reducing the load from the engine. maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour. fuel consumption depends on the road very much, but not very large.
The all-terrain vehicle is able to overcome water obstacles by swimming, the swimming ability of the tires is enough to withstand the small mass of the all-terrain vehicle itself, passengers and cargo.
The only drawback of the design is the safari variator, which does not have a bearing for free slipping of the belt, because of which the belt slightly scrolls the gearbox idling, which makes switching difficult, so the author had to create a special solution for braking the driven shaft. Although it would be better to use a variator with a bearing on the driven shaft under the belt.
The disk is attached to the hub by welding a pipe centered on the Muscovite disk.
That is, the disk was taken from a Muscovite, the middle of the disk was cut out on the machine along the inner diameter of the central pipe. after which this center was inserted into the pipe about 10 centimeters in depth, and was welded in a circle from the inside. Oblique profiles that are welded to the central pipe come precisely to the place of this connection.
An off-road all-terrain vehicle weighs about 650 kilograms.
The author tried to brew the differential on the rear axle, but the control became four times more complicated, although the cross-country ability of the all-terrain vehicle also increased. There were attempts to compensate for the complexity of control by installing the steering wheel from the bus, but these measures brought little use.
There is a transmission brake on the all-terrain vehicle, which turned out to be very effective and once already rescued the author in an emergency, when right in front of the all-terrain vehicle from a neighboring the garage drove a penny backwards. As a result of sharp braking, the author threw himself on the steering wheel, but the accident was avoided.
The author also plans in the future to install a kung on the all-terrain vehicle on the rear of the frame. Moreover, the kung should have two seats, which will be laid out in one bedroom.
Also, an all-terrain vehicle was made such trailer:

Photos of the off-road vehicle

ATV Test Video:
The author of an all-terrain vehicle with the nickname "assistent" on the Lunokhod website.