The car was originally designed as a 3D modeling editor with the basic design requirements, which are the minimum weight of the car, the minimum turning radius to conveniently drive through the forest, as well as the minimum of home-made parts in the all-terrain vehicle transmission for confidence in reliability. all-terrain vehicle It has all-wheel drive and a tipping frame. The cost of creating an all-terrain vehicle amounted to about 500 thousand rubles.
The maximum speed of the all-terrain vehicle is about 25-30 kilometers per hour on a flat surface of the track.
To create this all-terrain vehicle, the author required the following materials, parts and assemblies:
1) internal combustion engine from an oka car
2) Tire Trekol
3) gearbox from oka car
4) transfer box from the car niva
5) final drives from UAZ
6) hydraulic power steering from gas-66
7) rear military bridge from UAZ
8) axles and steering knuckle from UAZ
9) countershaft from vaz 21213
Consider in more detail the main components of the design of the all-terrain vehicle.
Before installing on an all-terrain vehicle, a differential was brewed in the gearbox.
An intermediate shaft from vaz 21213 was also installed, which is shorter than the same shaft on a Chevrolet.
In the node of the fracture of the frames are two axles from the front axle of the Oise, which are in the steering knuckles. The only refinement was that the CV joint was replaced with a Willis hinge.

Then the author proceeded to create a connection between the UAZ military bridges and the transfer case. For this, some work was done regarding both the gearbox and axles. To begin with, the author took out the axles and cut off the gearbox. Then the structure was disassembled and the trimmed area was aligned on the milling machine.
A bearing housing was made with an outer diameter along the housing of the gearbox itself. The inner one for the bearing was 45 by 25. The axle shaft was cut to fit the housing and flange from the gearbox from a classic vase. Bearing fit has been processed, as well as slots for the flange are cut. Then the author assembled a gearbox with a half shaft and installed a bearing with a housing.Then you can either weld or screw, but so that it turns by hand.

Here you can see the fastening of the elastic coupling to the gearbox flange:

To create the mount, a flange was taken from the VAZ gearbox, which this clutch will be installed. The landing was processed under the oil seal in the gearbox, after which the gearbox itself was installed. There is a coincidence along the slots, so no special work was carried out. The rear flange was also made on the transfer case.
After the completion of the main work on the transmission of an all-terrain vehicle, the author began to create a frame of the frame and skin:

Then the author embarked on a full-scale test. For several months of tough operation in the most difficult terrain, no damage was found. The design of the Niva gearbox and UAZ gearbox works flawlessly. All-terrain vehicle patency, thanks to the wheels of the trackole is excellent.
Below you can see videos from the work of the all-terrain vehicle:
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? feature = player_embedded & v = TzLCJAHuXH0]
[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? feature = player_embedded & v = iAGZVVEUSPM]
The author of the all-terrain vehicle: Michael with the nickname "Michael29" on the site of the from the city of Severodvinsk