This all-terrain vehicle built according to a similar scheme for the construction of all-terrain vehicles Uvat and Asterix. The basis of the machine is the frame of the design of the tipping type. The all-terrain vehicle was conceived for the transport of two people, and it also had to have a kung, with sleeping places for two people, so that it would be possible to spend the night right in the forest if the hunt dragged on.
The name of the all-terrain vehicle TT stands for pull-push.
Materials and details used by the author to build this all-terrain vehicle:
1) Chinese-made engine with a capacity of 14 hp
2) variator
3) gearbox from a classic vase
4) chain gear
5) bridges from the vase classics
6) KrAZ patches
7) sheets of aluminum and polycarbonate.
8) profile pipe
9) steering rack from vaz 2108
Let us consider in more detail the stages of construction and the main components of the all-terrain vehicle designs.
Frame manufacturing and installation of the main elements:

The bridge was installed slightly at an angle, it was necessary to install so as to remove the angles of the cardan shafts, which cannot be aligned due to the lift due to the gearbox. Such an installation cannot greatly affect reliability, since the gearboxes also turn over.

Stars with 24 and 16 teeth were used, so the gear ratio is 1.5. To install the star, a clutch disc was used, where a spline was used for turning under the landing star. Then the star was installed and fixed by welding.
The wheels as well as the wheels of the all-terrain vehicle were made by the author on his own, following the instructions in the topics for making wheels on sites dedicated to building similar technique.
The wheels were ripped off using an electric winch, which the author assembled on his own. After all four wheels from KrAZ were ready, the author began to think about the design of the frame and transmission as a whole. it was decided to use bridges from the vase, although it would be better to use bridges from the Muscovite, since they are stronger.
After installing the bridges, the author proceeded to install the gearbox from the VAZ 2108, as well as the engine and the variator, which should replace the transfer case.
After the main part of the all-terrain vehicle was assembled, the author proceeded to the tests. At the first start of the system, a serious flaw was revealed in the form of strong noise at 3600 engine revolutions. To begin with, the author changed the tensioners, bearings, star, but this did not bring results.Therefore, it was decided to abandon the roller bushes in favor of the motor chain in an oil bath. But then you will also have to replace the gearbox drive.
Therefore, the author simply removed all the tensioners and the noise decreased two times. However, it was not possible to completely remove the noise at maximum speed.
A 42 tooth star was installed on the gearbox, so as not to make much noise, the author tries not to bring the engine speed to maximum. High-speed mode is selected on the gearbox and the engine runs at medium speed. traction is enough due to the regulator. Since the design of the system does not allow shifting gears on the go, you have to stop the all-terrain vehicle through a special device the variator pauses, and then the speed on the gearbox changes. The ability to suspend the variator is by pressing the pedal right in the all-terrain vehicle cabin. But this is not a strong problem, since switching speeds is rarely required, due to the variator, the car goes perfectly.

To connect the driven variator with the gearbox from the VAZ 2108, the author used the following scheme:

And below is the all-terrain vehicle transmission scheme:

On the all-terrain vehicle, a steering rack from the vaz 2108 was installed, which will give long traction. the main thing is to strengthen it so that it does not break the thrust on the thread.

Since the author still decided to abandon chain drives, the all-terrain vehicle underwent a number of modernizations. In particular, a manual gearbox was installed, and a differential was welded on the gearbox from the VAZ 2108. On the old design, the gear ratio excluding the variator was 88.26, after modernization it dropped to 69. The manual gearbox allows you to reduce the gear ratio when shifting the gear down. Another useful feature is the unloading of the transmission when driving on a dirt road and bumps. The disadvantage of this modernization is an increase in weight by 80 kilograms.
This shows the installation of acceptable propeller shafts from the RCP:

And here is the already installed manual gearbox:

You can immediately see how the gearbox from the VAZ 2108 and the engine are connected:

The engine weighs 36 kilograms, the gearbox from the VAZ 2108 is another 40 kilograms. RCP weighs another 26 kilograms and plus 10 kilograms of weight driveshaft. And the all-terrain vehicle frame was also reinforced.
However, regarding the all-terrain vehicle traction, this did not affect much. in first gear when leaving at an angle of 25 degrees, the all-terrain vehicle copes well even with a passenger on board.
Here is the engine compartment with the engine removed:

The node of the driven variator is shown in more detail:

Drive shaft design with crosses:

And here is the engine compartment with the engine installed:

ATV rear end:

Further, the author proceeded to test the cross-country vehicle, where the engine is 14 hp. proved to be excellent. the power is completely enough, the variator does not reach the maximum speed, thanks to the choice of speeds in the gearbox. The maximum speed of the car is 25 kilometers per hour.
Photos of the off-road vehicle:

ATV Test Video:
The author of the all-terrain vehicle: Vitaliy with the nickname "vital" on the site of from the Arkhangelsk region.