Karakat with a frame design of a tipping type and all-wheel drive. All terrain vehicle was built for fishing trips, for berries and mushrooms. The author tried to use the most affordable parts to save money, so that the all-terrain vehicle was budgetary. The cross-country vehicle was built by the author with his father, who was engaged in all welding works.
Materials and assemblies used to build this all-terrain vehicle:
1) bridges from the car Muscovite 412
2) SZD engine with forced air cooling
3) the steering knuckle from Oise
4) reverse gear from SPD
5) additional chain gear
6) steering from m-41
7) wheels vi-3 lightweight
8) profile pipe
9) the hub of the vaz 2108
Let us consider in more detail the stages of construction and the main nodes of the all-terrain vehicle.
To begin with, two half-frames with a size of 1600 by 700 from a profile pipe were welded. all-terrain vehicle bridges were installed in the middle. And also a frame fracture unit was made from the UAZ steering knuckle according to the Uvat scheme.

After that, work began on creating discs for an all-terrain vehicle. The design of the discs was made as simple and reliable as possible. The diameter of the locking rings is 510, although 530 was originally planned. True, this did not play a strong role.

Then the author began work on the back of the half frame.

Then the marking of the main elements and their layout in the all-terrain vehicle began. In particular, the author decided to see where it is better to install an engine subframe.
At the same time, work continued on individual designs of the all-terrain vehicle. a cardan shaft was made, which transmits rotation from the gearbox to the hub of the VAZ 2108, and then through the sprocket to the cardan shaft of the Muscovite bridge.

The main turning work was commissioned by a specialist in this business.
Below you can see how the hub connects to the Muscovite shank.

Then the steering rack was installed from the m-41. The rail was installed according to the Uvat scheme:

It shows how the tie rod from the Oise and m-41 was spliced:

Welding work was performed on the front half of the all-terrain vehicle:

Further, the author decided to do the following work: creating a frame for the frame and installing the roof of the all-terrain vehicle, it is necessary to block the differential in the all-terrain vehicle gearbox, and do the car skin.
The gearboxes in the Muscovite’s bridges were upside down, and a gearbox from the CPD was also installed.
As the author intended, he began to disassemble the all-terrain vehicle gearbox:

After the gearbox was disassembled, the author brewed a differential in it and proceeded to assembly with the subsequent installation in its place in the design of the all-terrain vehicle.
After two front wheels of the all-terrain vehicle were completed, the author decided to install the roof:

At the rear, a 40 by 25 profile with a thickness of 2 mm was used. moreover, a cut was made on the last upper profile in order to be able to wear a ring. On the front two wheels, the lower profile is the same size 40 by 25 and 2 mm thick, and the upper 30 by 30 mm. Creating the front ones was much easier and the wheel put on easily, unlike the design of the rear wheels.
After completing the basic work on the transmission of an all-terrain vehicle, the author proceeded to field tests of the car. after the first tests, some design flaws of the all-terrain vehicle were identified. In particular, they consisted in the incorrect operation of the all-terrain vehicle clutch, as well as gear shifting. Therefore, the author began to finalize the transmission from the engine to the gearbox and clutch. For this, the native motorcycle clutch cable was replaced, since it squeezed too hard, which did not give a smooth gear shift. An exhaust pipe was also installed on the all-terrain vehicle in order to reduce the noise of the car.

In the end, we got such an all-terrain vehicle, then we plan to install a windshield and headlights:

During the operation of the all-terrain vehicle, no damage occurred, there were minor flaws in the form of remaining problems with the clutch, as well as the exhaust pipe was torn off due to broken threads. But the author does not want to sew up the front frame with galvanization for that reason. that in the event of an unforeseen serious breakdown, access to parts will be very limited.
In general, the all-terrain vehicle proved to be excellent, engine power is quite enough. the minimum speed is 3-5 kilometers per hour, and the maximum is up to 15 kilometers per hour. It may be worth increasing the maximum speed, but the author believes that traction is much more important for an all-terrain vehicle. Ground clearance is 42 centimeters, which is enough to not run into logs and hemp along forest roads. The height of the kung is 2350 mm, and the cab of the all-terrain vehicle is 225 centimeters.
Photos of the off-road vehicle:

Video with an all-terrain vehicle:
The author of the all-terrain vehicle: Vladimir Nikolaevich with the nickname "Vovanchik" on moon rovers from the city of St. Petersburg.