The collector connection diagram is simplified, water is pumped from the bottom of the pool and then enters the collector. Well, from the water outlet, the collector water then enters the pool. The pump was used by Dzhilek Drainage 170/9 with a capacity of 10,200 l / h, and the lifting height was 9 meters.

As for the heat exchanger, it was decided to make it from plastic pipes with a diameter of 1/2 inch. In this case, not a whole pipe, twisted into a spiral, but a kind of "snake" is used. It is thanks to the laying of the pipes with the “snake” that when the cold weather sets in, it is very easy to drain the water from the pipes.
In order to withstand a radius of about 5 cm while bending a metal-plastic pipe and to ensure good pipe laying density, metal corners were used. With this approach, the distance between the pipes was halved. Of course, copper pipes would work more efficiently, but such homemade It would be expensive, and it’s hard, which is not very good for the frame, and it would be difficult to assemble such a structure.
Materials and tools for assembly:
- two plywood sizes of 1.52x1.52 m and a thickness of 10 mm;
- wooden beam 50x50 mm and a length of 6 meters (10 pieces);
- plastic clips for 1/2 inch pipes (160 pieces);
- galvanized steel corner for the manufacture of a frame 50x50 mm (60 pcs.);
- Plumbing corners mother-mother and father-mother (120 pcs.);
- the union (father) for a metalplastic pipe (120 pieces);
- metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 1/2 inch and a length of 110 m;
- two spray cans for painting pipes;
- black antiseptic - 5 l;
- aluminum corner with a size of 10x10 mm and a length of 225 cm (4 pcs.);
- ordinary glass measuring 113x93 cm and 4 mm thick (4 pcs.);
- 2.5 m lining (4 pcs.).

Collector manufacturing process:
Step one. Assembly of angles and fittings
You need to take the corners and the fitting and connect them. For these purposes, a fum tape is used.

Step Two Organization of the site for the installation of the collector
To install the collector, a special platform was made.For its manufacture, gravel, sand and paving slabs were needed. The site is located to the south.

Step Three Assembly and installation of the collector housing
For the manufacture of the collector body, you will need plywood and bars. The bars are connected using galvanized steel corners. Due to the fact that the collector is intended for use only in the summer, the author did not insulate the back wall, although it will not be out of place to increase this efficiency. The insulation, if desired, can be installed on the back, and then sew up all the plywood on top.
To protect the case and not to paint again, it was coated with a black antiseptic.

The total weight of the case was about 30-35 kg, in connection with this, the structure should have a strong support, since with a gust of wind the structure may fall and the entire pipe will go down the drain. For the manufacture of supports, bars of 50x50 mm in size are used, and they are connected using metal corners.
The collector is attached to the support using steel angles 100 mm long and 50 mm wide.

Step Four Pipe installation
Clips must be installed on the collector body; pipes will be fastened with them. Due to the fact that when heated, the pipes will become elastic and will sag, the distance between the clips should be about 50-70 cm. After installation, the clips will be painted black.

Now you need to take the pipes and cut them to size. After this, the pipes can be installed. After installation, the pipes are painted black so that they can heat up as much as possible when exposed to sunlight.

Step Five How to glaze a collector
For the collector to work efficiently, it needs to be glazed. To install glass around the perimeter of the collector, you need to nail the lining, it has a side, and glass will be installed in it.
Due to the fact that the collector turned out to be quite large, it will be problematic to find glass of such sizes. But this is not a problem, it can be assembled from several fragments. In addition, such a large and thin glass will sag and will not last long. It is advisable to divide it into 4 parts. To dock the glass, an aluminum corner is used. In the center, the corner is attached to the beam, and the glass is fixed with washers.

Now the solar collector for heating the pool is ready for use. Now it needs to be connected to the pump. For 3-4 hours of operation of the device, the water in the pool (which is 10 cubic meters) was heated to a temperature of 27 degrees, which is quite good. When the collector worked for 7 hours, the temperature rose to 32 degrees. During operation, the water at the outlet is very hot, and therefore, when bathing, it is better to turn off the pump so as not to get a burn.

To automate the process of heating water in the pool, you can use a thermal relay that will turn the pump on and off, maintaining the required temperature in the pool. And to make home-made cheaper, you can use PVC pipes for hot water supply. Corners for such pipes are much cheaper, and the structure is assembled with glue.