It is difficult to overestimate the advantages of a mobile solar power station. Such a thing will always be your backup power source for home power system, but you can also take it with you to places where there is no electrification at all. This design will help you provide illumination in the field, provide energy to a country house, and simply enjoy music, use a laptop and charge phones while on vacation in nature.
The materials that the author used to create this system:
1) corner and profile pipe
2) hand truck
3) solar battery
4) battery charge controller
5) an inverter for converting DC 12 V to AC 220.
Consider in more detail the design of this solar power plant.
In a previous article, the option of a portable solar power station was already considered, but model It has one significant drawback - it is low power.
To increase power, it is necessary to increase the area of solar panels, battery capacity, and so on, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the size and mass of the power plant itself.
Therefore, in order for the power station to remain mobile, the author decided to place it on the basis of a hand truck. However, options with trailer a car.

It is necessary to choose a high-quality trolley in order to withstand off-road loads, preferably with larger wheels. The more reliable the cart, the safer the solar panels and the entire structure of the power plant.

In order to fix all the basic elements of a solar power station on a trolley, the author decided to build a frame consisting of a profile pipe and a corner. Accordingly, it is planned to place the electronics unit in the recess of the trolley, and above it the solar panels, which in turn will close electronics from the rain.

Having created the necessary framework, the author proceeded to install the basic elements of the future power plant. Batteries, an inverter, and solar panels were installed.
The following is a diagram of a solar power plant:

The author draws attention to the need to clearly calculate the equipment, its power and dimensions, so that everything necessary fits in the trolley and there is enough power to power the things you are interested in. It should be noted that the equipment must be selected based on your needs.
In this case, an inverter with a capacity of up to 300 W was selected, and rechargeable batteries with a capacity of 35 A * h. Thus, when you connect a 50 W LED floodlight, it will be able to work for about 6 hours. If you need the equipment to work more, you will have to connect several more batteries of the same capacity in parallel.
The solar battery was installed with a power of 60 W, so a charge controller of 5 A was chosen for it, but for a solar panel with a power of 80 W it is already worth taking a controller of at least 6 A. Therefore, if in the future you plan to increase the power of your solar power plant immediately buy a more powerful controller for 15-20 A. It is worth remembering that the generated current of solar batteries should be at least 10% less than the indicator for which the charge controller is designed, this is necessary for the safe operation of the system.
As you can see, the author placed all the electronics in a metal frame directly under the solar panel.

And yet, the design is not completely protected from rain, the panel only partially covers the electronics, therefore it is necessary to store the solar power station in a dry room, and during operation it should be covered with oilcloth or otherwise protected from moisture.