In this article, the author decided to make a solar usb-charge for the phone.
This device will help to charge the phone where there is no electricity.
To make this device, the author needed:
- solar battery
- charge controller or step-up voltage converter by 5V
- business card or thick cardboard
- usb cord

As for the controller or converter, the author recommends using better converters, since they are cheaper and smaller in size than controllers. You can find them in any online store.

1. Solder the wires of the converter to the solar battery.

2. In order that wires would not come off the solar battery and the converter does not hang, we glue the converter board on the back side, and it is best to put it in some kind of housing.

3. Well, if there is no case, then you can use the stand from a business card or cardboard, the author decided to use a business card.

Well, here, our usb charge is ready! Now we can charge the mobile phone anywhere, if there is, of course, sunlight. In order to charge any phone, you can buy a usb cord with various adapters. You can buy it all in the same online store.

On average, the author spent $ 7, but you can save and pull out of the old garden lamp.
Thanks for attention!